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MorethanSM's picture

I have been watching FSD4 for the past 2years waking up at 7am with her and if anyone knows me they know I'm a sleeper! By no means am I morning person and I always woke up with his daughter because he had to work and well now he's in school so I'm trying to disengage so I asked him to keep her quiet so I can sleep till 10 and do you think he could do that for me?? Of course not! I'm so pissed I'm not asking to sleep all day or anything I didn't chose to have children why should I have to sacrifice my sleep?! Ugh I'm tired!!(of more than just my lack of sleep)


herewegoagain's picture

Even if you wake up, stay in the room. Period. Sigh...I hear you...DH EXPECTED me to also wake up on weekends when his little darling woke up...sure! No problem. NOOOOOT! I didn't have a kid, HE did...So after many, many arguments, he got it that it was NOT my responsibility but instead his.

DaizyDuke's picture

I understand what you are saying, but I have a 2 year old, lovely little boy, and it is really hard to keep smaller kids "quiet" for hours at a time. And honestly I feel bad doing so, I mean come on, they are kids, they want to play, not sit with their hands folded quietly drooling at the TV.

My DH wears ear plugs if he wants to sleep past whatever time BS wakes up, because I won't even attempt to make BS2 be "quiet" ... now I don't let him make ungodly racket, like running with his noise popper thing, or pushing his popper mower around, screaming etc. But do I stop him from talking, laughing, running and general play? No.

forestfairy's picture

Ear plugs! They are amazing. I use them because SO snores like a freight train but they drown out other sounds too. Biggrin

MorethanSM's picture

Yea I understand keeping kids quiet is hard but we have a park at the end of our street she's loves chalking on the porch those are what he can do instead he let's her play with the pool balls tap dance and push her toy shopping cart on the TILE FLOOR OUTSIDE OUR ROOM. I'm not asking her to be silent and if I hear her I'm mad that's not it at all it's the obvious obnoxious noises. Like I said this is the first time in two years I get a break and sleeping in is asking too much:(

MorethanSM's picture

Wow I posted the same thing in a similar site and I got a bunch of nasty posts saying I'm too selfish to be around children and that I shouldn't have children let alone step children and I should reconsider getting married. That really hurt. I didn't think sleeping in was THAT big of a deal:(
Ill never return to that site again

overit2's picture

"Yea I understand keeping kids quiet is hard but we have a park at the end of our street she's loves chalking on the porch those are what he can do instead he let's her play with the pool balls tap dance and push her toy shopping cart on the TILE FLOOR OUTSIDE OUR ROOM"

Sounds to me like dad is purposely allowing this, because you DARED to make him responsible for his own kid when he wasn't working-he wants YOU to get up and play maid/mommy.

His passive-agressive way of getting back to you for not being a doormat?

MorethanSM's picture

I think you're right overit2:( he basically agreed its selfish of me to sleep in.