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F* my LIFE

MotherTrucker's picture

SD goes home at 11;00 am Sunday. BM calls yesterday and says that SD has mono and is really dehydrated. SD told her that she is dehydrated because I would not let her drink anything but kool-aid all weekend.

First of all... SD left our house Sunday morning and was perfectly FINE. Second of all, SD was told to finish her GIANT glass of kool-aid that she poured for HERSELF Sunday morning before she could have anything else. This is after an entire weekend of her sucking down all of the gatorade and water bottles that I had stored up for the hot weather for the weekend.

FU SD and FU BM if you really think that I would only let ANY kid that was at my house drink kool-aid and nothing else! Dumb dumb fat ass stupid bitch BM who actually believes that, says that kool-aid is the worst thing to give to a kid to drink. Yup BM it is pretty bad, almost as bad as the bottle of Pepsi she got out of your car with huh??

To top it all off, she actually is stupid enough to call my DH to bitch abouth this stuuf like he is going to jump on her damn bandwagon. Not going to happen BM!


BSgoinon's picture

Soda has MORE sugar than Kool-Aid. You should make sure she is aware of this.

princessmofo's picture

Uh, and correct me if I'm wrong here, but isn't Kool-Aid made up of mostly water? I think it would be hard to dehydrate on Kool-Aid. But then again I'm not a psycho-bitch of a bm with a skunk stuck up my twat like the nutjob you're dealing with.

PeanutandSons's picture

If the kid is dehydrated I would think that is the fault of the parent that she's been with for the past 48 hours.

myspoonistoobig's picture


msg1986's picture

Pssh I say hide all fun drinks when SD is over and make it clear that because those drinks (kool-aid/gatoraid etc) are SO unhealthy that they are no longer allowed in the house.

step off already's picture

Yes! Let sd know that since her BM made it ckear that unhealthy drinks are not acceptable when she's at your home, you're going to reaper her mother and only allow water or milk as both are the healthiest options for a child.

... And of course you want to be respectful of the bM as she's the mom!

MotherTrucker's picture

That is what I said! Also, she claims you can not become dehydrated within 48 hours. Stupid ass. They don't call it the kissing disease for nothing!

Justme54's picture

I would go with the water and milk. That should make SD happy. And tell her...her mommy just wants what is best for her little girl. PAY BACKS ARE HELL. LOL

MotherTrucker's picture

Oh, I plan on only giving her water. When she asked for anything different, the only answer she will hear from me is... "go ask your father". I am so tired of everything I say and everything I do getting twisted and turned into somehing vile and horrible. I refuse to do anything other then basic needs for SD from now on. DH doesn't even blame me, he is sick of the lies and the twisting of the truth too.