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Little vent... going to be a lot of swearing

MotherTrucker's picture

That fat fucking cunt of a BM put DH on speaker phone (DH didn't know) and asked once again in front of SD if she could have SD on Sunday to go to a baby shower. DH had already shot her down once for this when she tried to trick him into it thinking he would look at the calendar to see it was Father's Day. She agreed that since it was Father's Day that he was right and he should be able to keep SD. Now she calls this morning and has him on speaker phone, asked again and DH of course said "we already talked about this and you agreed that since it was father's day that I would keep her".

Of course this made SD go into a crying fit, which is how DH knew that he was on speaker phone. That dumb bitch wanted to make DH look like the bad guy AGAIN! I fuvking can't stand her.


MotherTrucker's picture

He already tries to do it all through text messages. She went as far as to hang up on him and then start texting nasty things, so at least we have the proof that she is such a bitch.

MotherTrucker's picture

Well if it is your DD's baby shower on Sunday, and her BFF is a big fat cow who tries to ruin my DH life the only way she knows how (by using his own daughter as a tool) then I feel bad for your daughter. I hope that they are not BFF's because I can only imagine the lies that spew forth from BM's mouth about DH and what a piece of shit she thinks he is. Are you having it in WV?