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Divorce Papers :(

msc1120's picture

Well it really sucked doing it but I printed off all the paperwork and instructions I need to file for divorce. We can do it all ourselves without getting lawyers involved (hopefully). This all still really bites but I know this is happening for a reason, don't know what that reason is yet. I just holding my head up, taking this all one day at a time doing the best I can.


WickedStepMom18's picture

MSC - It is happening because you deserve the world! Your strength through this difficult time is remarkable. Hang in there, darlin'.

Wolfey's picture

You can do this honey!!!If I can do it,I have confidence that anyone can muster the strength and courage to do it.It's a new day and at some point you'll look back and wonder how you ever lived the way you've been living.You'll get discouraged,doubtful and wonder if you did the right thing more often than not.But I promise you,it will click in your head and in your heart that you deserve more than what you've had so far and it'll all come together.You'll feel peace like you've never known before.

Most Evil's picture

The sooner you are out of this, the sooner you have your life back hon!!! HUGS - you did good-!!! Smile