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Dh finally realizes Ss is kind of turning into an ass, maybe he'll do something about it now

msg1986's picture

So like I've said in most blogs I get along pretty well with my Ss5 but over the years I've come to see that he is kind of a bad kid when he's with his mom, school, mil... basically when he's not with Dh and I, he's an ass. I've kiiiind of mentioned this to Dh recently because he wasn't really understanding why Ss kept getting in trouble at school but I've never flat out said "hey your kids turning into a dick!"... At first we thought he was having a hard time adjusting but honestly, Ss is a very smart kid and I really think he's coddled so much with his Bm and Mil that he thinks he can get away with murder... let me change that, he CAN get away with murder but he knows to behave with Dh and I. Of course he sometimes slips up but Dh usually is really good about discipling him.

Anyway, what I'm getting at is that i think Dh finally realized this yesterday. Yesterday Dh got word from Bm that Ss got in trouble at school for spitting on someone and that he's punished (the punishment at her house is he is only allowed to watch 2 hours of tv... lol, wtf kind of punishment that I don't know, but hey, not my kid, whatev) . After Dh told me what happened, I just told him "I just think Ss is turning into one of those kids that's bad when no one is looking."(don't get me wrong, all kids can be asses when no one is looking but Ss is taking it to a whole new level) he looked at me and seemed annoyed and said "yeah, I know." The reason he seemed annoyed is because my cousin watched Ss and Dd this past weekend for my birthday and when we got home she told him that he was acting up, her husband also told Dh that Ss went over to Dd's rocker and knocked it over. when they left though Dh commented that he thinks they don't like Ss. I got really bothered because my family has welcomed Ss with open arms and it pissed me off that instead of acknowledging that his kid is an ass he jumps to the "oh your family doesn't like my son!" card. It's bullshit. The kid is just kind of rotten when no one is looking. 2 weeks ago we were at Dh's cousins and when Ss thought no one was looking and he walked up behind their 2 yr old and shoved her to the floor... I'm glad Dh is finally seeing this though because maybe now he can try harder to reinforce some manners/respect in Ss. I know it may be hard because he's only with us every weekened but everything counts now that we are past the hurdle of him getting defensive for Ss right away.


Patsy's picture

Oh I would be pissed if he thought my family was "picking" on SS! They didn't have to watch him you idiot. If they didn't like him they wouldn't have watched him in the first place. Thank goodness your Dh is starting to see how SS can be to others. I would imagine that now he has noticed he will pay closer attention to the behavior.

msg1986's picture

Right!?!? and this cousin is one that is pretty blunt and if she didn't want to watch Ss she wouldn't be afraid to show it. What pissed me the most though is that this particular cousin has 4 half siblings so she doesn't see things in a way of only full blood is family like some people do so to her Ss is family regardless of the fact that he isn't blood to me and Dh knows this so it really bothered that he would even jump to that rather than acknowledge that Ss was really not behaving. My brother was even here that day and text me and Dh saying that Ss wasn't listening for God's sakes!!

I hope he will take notice too, i'm sick and tired of pointing it out and half of the time I don't even point it out because I don't want him to think I am attacking Ss or anything. I love the kid, but as kids get older it gets worse if the parent doesn't do anything and that's the last thing I want because that can change my attitude toward him.