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Ss sick, Bm is an idiot.

msg1986's picture

I'm so annoyed right now and I feel bad about it. Sad Ss5 is sick and Bm's mother calls Dh and tells him that he needs to pick up Ss because he's sick and Bm told her (her mom) she couldn't watch her own son and left to work... god forbid Bm take care of her own child while he's sick. So bm's mom is freaking out because she has to go to school and doesn't know what to do w/ Ss. Dh worked out of town this past week and will not be in until 1ish so Bm's mom just says "well I'm dropping him at school and you can just get him from there." Smh.

I'm just annoyed that if Ss is sick why isn't Bm keeping him for the weekend (she doesn't work weekends)?? I'm pregnant and I don't really want to be around a sick kid. and to Top off she has the nerve to text Dh and says she NEEDS Ss early on Sunday because she's going to the balloon fiesta. wtf.

On a side note, maybe I'm just being paranoid because this is my first pregnancy but it's okay to be around a sick kid while pregnant, right? I'm sure it is because people that have kids already I'm sure have to deal with sick kids while being pregnant..

Another thing, who the F says "sorry, can't watch my kid" when they are sick!??

Also, I never got to saying it but I feel bad because I love Ss I'm just nervous to have him around because of the pregnancy. This makes me worry too about when baby is born, what if he's sick then, is wrong if Dh tells Bm that he cannot take Ss for the weekend? Not right now of course because baby isn't here, but I mean like when she's still a newborn??


princessmofo's picture

Another thing, who the F says "sorry, can't watch my kid" when they are sick!??


Uh, that would be our bm also. She has done this many, many times to dh. Forcing him to use his vacation and pto time to watch ss or take him to the doctor because "she has to work". Hello, stupid?! You and dh work at the same company so I know you have four weeks paid vacation plus pto time you take him! But no, she bullies dh and he complies because he is brainless and ball-less. She always pulls the "you're not a good father" card if he says no and then he caves...FML.

msg1986's picture

That's so stupid! It's ridiculous to me that Bm's mom just calls Dh like he's just lounging at home watching TV. It'd be different if Ss was with us and got sick, then nbd, we'd handle it but it's baffling to me if your child is with you and gets sick you just take off like "Sorry, gotta run!".

SM with BM from hell's picture

While its not ideal to be around a sick kid while you're pregnant, you can but sanitize everything he touches. Also wash your hands frequently when dealing with him. When the baby comes I do quarantine measure to isolate the sick kid. Meaning I had my kids eat first when they were sick at the table then I would have them go to their room and I'd clean like a crazy lady before I brought the babies in the same space. Yes it sucks but until my kids felt better we just kept them as separate as possible. Also no handling the babies until they felt better. As a preventive measure everyone received flu shots before the babies were born to lessen the chances of them getting sick. HTH.

msg1986's picture

Thank you thank you for this information. I'm definately going to stop for some lysol wipes on the way home. I kind of thought of this but I didn't want to seem pyscho about it by cleaning like a maniac and keeping my distance.

That's great advice for when the baby comes too. thank you!

msg1986's picture

Thank you for saying that, makes me feel like less of a jerk for feeling upset about the whole thing.

The whole thing just baffles me... I mean this may be my first baby but I had a huge part in raising my younger brothers and even with them I called off everything to take care of them, so to refuse your own kid doens't make sense to me. Of course, I don't know anything about Bm's work or if she's a bad employee but I do know she's been there for about a year so to me I would think they know she has a kid and would be okay with her taking a day because he's sick. Honestly, it just comes across as immaturity to me because the way Bm's mom told Dh, it seems that Bm just left and told her to figure it out. But c'mon, it's your freaking kid, Dh would love to go 50/50 or even to be the custodial but she refuses that, so to me, if your kid is sick, YOU take care of him. aye aye aye, I dont know why I try to understand the crazy.

And I actually hadn't thought about how it's easier to keep newborn safer because they aren't crawling around, that makes me feel A LOT better for when/if that situation comes. thank you!!

SM with BM from hell's picture

It sucks that SM's are held to a higher std than BMs. I would be pissed that she just pawned her son off on everyone b/c she can't be bothered to parent her sick son.

DaizyDuke's picture

who the F says "sorry, can't watch my kid" when they are sick!??

I could never understand this either! BM2 used to do it all the time, if SS14 was sick and couldn't go to school, she'd call DH to watch him. I was always like WTF? what mother doesn't want to stay home with their sick child? DH said he figured it was because BM2 has always had a terrible track record at any job she's ever had (misses a lot of time, calls in sick etc) and was probably scared of getting fired. But there you have it.. the usual... selfish BM takes so much time off for HER that she can't take a day off for her sick kid. whatever.

msg1986's picture

It's just so digusting to me that she wouldn't want to watch her child while he's sick. If I wasn't pregnant this would be a non-issue but I am so I'm ticked off. I know she just wants her alone time with her BF but if that's the case, give up custody if you don't want the responsibility of taking care of your own child.

Ss is always dumped off with his nana to take care of him. it's sickens me that whenever we ask Ss about something he'll refer to how his nana does this, does that, or he has to ask his nana. never Bm. I love Ss but I honestly don't know why Bm went thru with the pregnancy when she knew damn well she didn't want him nor the responsibility.

tryingmom's picture

BM sends the skids sick all the time, she never lets DH know that they are ill. We usually figure it out in the car on the ride home. FFS....give us a heads up!!! DH and I work full time jobs that require us to be there. BM works some very part time job and takes days and time off all the time.

msg1986's picture

Oh yeah, in the past it was always that way too, never a heads up. The only reason Dh was notified before hand is because Bm's mom doesn't know what to do with Ss because she started switched to day classes when Ss started school and she stopped acting as free daycare for Bm.