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Pinch me please

mylife7's picture

Some one pinch me please! So after almost a week of the "please kill me because I'm pretty sure I've been hit by a bus and am still under it" bug, (managed to get the strength to croak to the kids fighting at the end of my bed "I am not the only parent in this house" a few times and gulp some water spilling half of it on the bed along with my sweat in the process...oh well...guess I'll move to his side har har), HOWEVER! My ss6 LOVED me the past few days! He didn't get mad when I corrected him because spitting at your step brother it unkind, he was thankful when I helped him with his reading and homework HE HUGGED ME FOR NO REASON!!!! We climbed a tree! And my bs10 and bd12? They loved me too! I wasn't the asshole one time in the past three days. This is rare these days. Daddy can do no wrong after all. why can't he just go to prision already? They caught him. He did the crime. Why is it an on going court crap thingy still? So what's the sentancing hang up? I did my part. I wrote a nice letter. Shoo shoo!! It's a skill to say the least to keep their feelings number one and not scream "FUCKO" at him....*sighs* matter...this week was goooood. Life is good. I feel good. Let's hope next week doesn't bring many posts that begin with colorful words and dreary thoughts. At this moment..right now...I am blessed.


redheaded_stepmom's picture

Glad to hear! Isn't that a great feeling, when all is right with the least for a moment or two? I am having one of those weekends as well. Must be something in the air. I hope you continue to be blessed in the days and weeks to come.