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Video game obsessed boys?

MyMistake's picture

Just wondering if anyone here has a SS or son who is obsessed with first person shooter games, such as Call of Duty, Brink etc. My SS is and he says he gets excited about the violence. I am not super-religious, but I do have a big problem with his obsessive love for these games (not to mention hearing the constant shooting and groaning). I limit him to 2 hours a day, which he used to argue about, but it still bothers me that I have to listen to it every afternoon for two hours strait.

Because he has Aspergers, he is then riled up for the night and cannot stop talking about related topic, i.e. war, guns, the military and then how badly he want a gun.DH and I say no way, he is way too obsessed and unrealistic about guns and violence to ever own a gun in this house.Sometimes he gets so angry it is scary, and I wonder what the correlation of his anger is to these video games...he is much more even tempered if we go out of town or DH takes them away. Thoughts?


knucklehead's picture

My BS14 LOVES gaming. (I just don't get it!) Several family members have stated that they think he is "obsessed." I've caught a lot of flack for allowing him to game.
Then he got in trouble for his grades, and ALL media was removed from his access (TV, ipod, Kindle Fire, cell phone, computer, xBox, PSP, PS3, etc.)
Everyone thought he was going to go into complete and utter withdrawal. He didn't. He didn't complain, talk about missing it, beg for a reduced sentence, nothing. He did a lot of reading and his grades came up.

Believe you me, from then on, I shut anyone down who wants to give him a hard time about gaming. It's just his "thing."

That said, if gaming is affecting SS's behavior, then there might be a problem.

Riamama23's picture

Ugh... I am so happy to not be alone in this!!!! Ss12 is manic about cod,dead island,grand theft auto my bs8 is following the leader but when he out levels ss all hell breaks! Ss12
Has been known to stay up till 6Am playing ~not my kid not my problem~ my summer will be filled with "I will just leave you and your dad can deal with it" because going to the water park or even out for lunch sends him into an uproar!Fh plays along with "o come on you can play when we come back"fuck that! I'm leaving lets go or you can stay!!!! My summer won't be cooped in a house! It is embarrassing when we go out and that's all he has to talk about! My bs7 has conversations with our dinner dates and ss talks about a shooting on a game,fh's friend thought ss was talking about something he heard on the news,lol! I totally feel you on this,try to nip it while you can!!!! His excitement over this is exactly what part of our government wants! They like it that much they will want to join the military!

MyMistake's picture

I would love to take away the video games, but DH thinks they are harmless as long as they are rated Teen. I agree with you Ria, all my SS15 wants to talk about is joining the military now and how that will take care of his college, so he doesn't have to do homework anymore because the military will take him instead. Crazy! I dunno, I just hate hearing that stuff all the time, and then hearing about how much he loves weapons and violence is exciting to him.