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I'm feeling guilty????

newbiemommy's picture

Last night I had all I could take.
SO came home and asked me what was up and I seriously UNLOADED on him. I thought SD11 had been having a good week, so I took her to the store let her pick out dinner and adessert, rent a redbox, just basically it was a reward night for having a pretty good week. She was acting rough and jumped on my couch when she thought I wasn't looking. So I said she should go clean her room that was part of our deal anyways, i go to check up on her and find pee clothes (it was supposedly a dry week) and a note from her teacher about issues at school. Great, I tell her that since she's been lying and hiding pee crap again that the movie and dessert were out. This makes her mad so she goes into my bathroom and flushes a half roll of tp and plugs up the toilet. Things downward spiral from there, and I didn't care if SO got pissed off at me for "picking" on her I totally unloaded, and that brought up all the little nasty stuff I really did deal with all week. I was trying so hard to give her a good week that in true SO fashion I was in denial mode. Well it all came spewing out at SO.
This morning she tried to talk to her and she started screaming and stomping and yelling and throwing herself around, i have never seen a child that age throw a temper tantrum. SO takes her over his knee and spanks her, she screamed like he was murdering her. She then sniffed and sobbed for an hour. Why am I feeling sorry for her. SO couldn't have possibly smacked her hard enough to warrant the response, but here I an feeling bad. SO FINALLY listens to me then I feel all guilty that he did something. What is wrong with me!?!?! I doubt that spanking did anything but hurt her poor little pride. Dearest daddy hardly ever his against her. I'm sure by tonight he will feel just a guilty and put princess back on her pedestal.


Anywho78's picture

Oh gracious Newbie! There is ZERO reason for YOU to feel guilty. Your SD gets away with HORRENDOUS behavior normally because your SO doesn't want to hurt her feefees. It's about time that he did something to show her that her behavior is NOT okay.

Great, you took her out to get her rewards for a weeks worth of good behavior, but sadly, reality surfaced & she's not been nearly as good as you had thought...therefore, she loses her's that simple.

If your SO does come down with a case of the guilt's later, make sure he doesn't go "I'm so sorry, daddy shouldn't have done that" SO does the same thing & it literally makes me bat crap crazy...any sympathy I MAY have felt for the SKids is replaced with anger & frustration.

On a high note, your SO FINALLY did something to correct your SD's behavior! YAY! That's to be celebrated Wink