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That moment you break.

newbiemommy's picture

My second in the last 4 year's. I'm just DONE. I can't handle my SD13 another minute.
I'm sorry to actually put this thought out there, but I see why her mother beat the crap out of her. I can't live like this.


BarkAtTheMoon's picture

I have an SD who is turning 13 this week. She is pretty much a sweet girl but has started going to the dark side this summer. Tries to outtalk DH and I, tries to negotiate, LIES like you wouldn't believe. I'm finally getting DH to see that she's not such an angel anymore and she is just a dingbat. Thank goodness she's not into boys yet. Read my posts and know you're not alone!

~ Moon

newbiemommy's picture

Thanks everyone! Practicing deep breathing. Thankfully my DH is being a sweetie this morning! BM turned her into a monster (taught her to lie, steal, ect) she even used to encourage her to "fight me." Then when SD did it to BM she beat her up.

Anon2009's picture

I agree with Stacey. No wonder this girl is so messed up.

Perhaps you all could benefit from therapy and parenting classes.