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My new "favorite"...

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My SO has been doing GREAT with skids and BMs and life has been going better than ever. SO has been taking me into consideration a lot as far as how he deals with skids and BMs and most of the time he even will ask my opinion first.
This weekend was our weekend for SD3 and SS5. They are always great kids for me, still SO took the whole weekend off to be with the kids. She was supposed to bring them and take them home but she cancels so he has to go pick them up. Well, he usually takes them to drop them off at noon to the halfway point which is still 2 hours away. So he text BM2 on Sunday morning saying something to the effect of "I will see you at 12 as usual" She totally FLYS OFF THE FLIPPEN HANDLE. Starts accusing him of treating "her kids" like sh*t and worshipping our baby. Says he takes no responsibility for his kids. Starts saying that he needs to give her more than the CS. Saying she is "all alone 24/7" This is from a woman who lives free at home with her parents, and her family takes the kids more than she does. So my SO says if thats how she wants to act then we are going back to the original agreement and that was that she has to come all the way to pick them up. She of course says she will no way come get her kids. Even has the nerce to tell him to "send Newbie with my kids tonight." He lets her know then they will be here until she comes to get them. She starts saying that he needs to bring them to her because she can't be up until 1 a.m. and she has this and that to do tomorrow. Well, SO does too. She says fine she will get them at 8 am please have them ready for school. So the skids stay the night. Then at 5:30 a.m. my phone starts BLOWIZNG up with call after call until I tell him to just answer her. She tells him to have her kids to some gas station in 15 minutes. We get up and manage to get the kids and all their stuff into the car they are on their way in just over 15 minutes. Exactly 18 minutes after the first conversation she calls asking, "where is he?" I tell her they have just left, 15 minutes was an insane request at this hour. She says, "thanks. And sorry." SO calls me 10 minutes later, he is at the gas station with no one in sight. I call her back, "Oh well my friend is picking them up I'm not sure where she is I will call her." The WHOLE flippen time she wasn't even within 4 hours of us. Give me a f'n break!!!! So when she called the second time she was assuming that he wouldn't be there. Her friend kept SO waiting 20 minutes at that ungodly hour for nothing. Now shes saying she will not be bringing the kids to even the half way point, if he want to get them he will have to drive 4 hours one way. We are talking 16 hours of driving people! I don't even know what we should do about her, we have never had so much drama from her.
On to BM1. Who I EXPECT sh*t like this from. SO and I are going out of town for 2 weeks, SD11 is supposed to stay with her mom. Here we are 2 days from the event and he still hasn't let her know. Mind you this is the woman who didn't even see her daughter for 3 months. Expects me to do EVERYTHING for her. Has never taken her to school a day in her life. Well, he calls her this morning and guess what. She was cordial and polite and asked for facts and times for SDs schedule. NOTHING, no drama, no smart comments. I almost fell over. And in my mind she was the one who was entitled to get a little irritated. Am I in the twillight zone or something!?
SD11. Well folks, I gave in. I stoppped listening to the drs and counselors on the diaper issues. SD11 is now back in diapers. Her teachers and I are thrilled. I really don't care what bs the drs want to throw at me about it causing a habit. Shes over 11 years old, the habit is there. For two years I let her wet herself and everything else and I finally said enough is enough. My house actually smells good again. Her teachers were having to change her 3 and 4 times a day so they are loving me right now. She hates the diapers. I got her big ugly depends, no cutsie pull-ups. They are still the pull up kind because I refuse to have to help her with the tab diapers.
I am SOOOOO SOOOOO SOOOOOOOO excited to be getting out of town starting Wednesday. I really needed a break, SO really needs a break. Two days, two days, two days...