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SD10 doesn't go to school for 2nd day in a row.

newbiemommy's picture

Schooltime is my ONLY alone time with SO. Especially this weekend because on his day off and her day to be at her moms she was here while he went out! I was so looking forward to our two mornings together. And both days he had a "reason" to keep her home. And both days I get completely ignored and treated like and outsider. I feel like when his kids are around, which is full time by the way, that I am not even on his radar anymore. For example he takes the communal tv and turns on cartoons then our tv he's playing games. Cool he took care of kids and himself but not me. And the little brat isn't watching the tv she's sitting there staying me down. Awesome... Then right after I got upset at him for that we all go to the park to feed ducks. He and SD10 are going crazy throwing all the bread out I'm literally standing right next to him and he didn't think to include me til I asked. You know I've thought about saying rti him, "kids are kids forever but they grow up and have their own kids and I'm who you have after that". I guess this brings out my insecurity about our relationship. Plus I just want a couple hours, and its not I like I'm saying send your kid off to boarding school, I'm saying send get to school on her normal school days! And I do understand the kids come first but its not hard to include someone in what your are doing.
I'm really thinking of just leaving for the day and letting them do their thing. Its not like he will notice. Then of course that will make me the bad guy.


Soon-to-be-Step-Mommy's picture

Unless the kid is sick she shouldn't be staying home. Is she sick?? If not he is wrong to keep her home. I understand how you feel when your time with him is taken away. I get depressed when that happens to me too. Last weekend BM was supposed to pick SD up in the morning and didn't show up until after 7pm. My whole Sunday with my hubby was shot to hell. All part of our sacrifices I guess. One day they will grow up but until then we must just deal with it!

newbiemommy's picture

Nope she's NOT sick at all. Yesterday was a half day so he didn't see the point to taking her, then he decided he wanted HER to come do the stuff we had planned to do. Then today he woke up late, so instead of getting his butt in gear he said, "she can't go on feild trips without me". More of him treating her like a baby which is why she pees herself, can't talk right, and in general acts like a 2 year old. And he's in a bad mood now so I get to not only deal with pissy DH, I get to have the brat in my hair ALL day.

Doubletakex3's picture

I'd be ticked. Very ticked. Leave for the day - at least maybe the day won't be a total loss for you if you do something fun. Who cares if you're the bad guy? He has no basis to make you the bad guy when he's being irresponsible in the first place. Geesh.

Newstep's picture

Wow that is just wrong!! She needs to go to school unless she is sick. Your SD is 10 that is old enough to go on a field trip without a parent. Sounds like how my BF was in the beginning. SD was 11 and acted like she was two. It is very frustrating to be around that type of behavior I feel for you!!

newbiemommy's picture

I do have a child with him. Sad However I set the tone early on that I'm the mom and the boss. Ive even told him my children WILL NOT be like his. And yes he's the main issue here. And most of my frustration is on him. I just really need a break from her also.