Do you ever do these bets in your mind???
If a situation comes up that SO has to parent I always do a little wager in my head thinking he will do this or do that. Most of the time I am 100% right. Once in a while he surprises me
Today totally out of the blue I get flowers delivered I was happy and surprised and it was so thoughtful of him. So he was already ahead of the game LOL. Then he gets a call (we work at the same place) its SD she talks so loud and I hear "DAD" them "UMMMMM" which drives me crazy then nothing just silence. I'm thinking you called and don't know why you called?? Usually SO is all what honey? What do you need? Blah blah blah. Well he just said the same thing I was thinking it was so wierd. He said hey you called me what's up? Then she asks to go to her friends house after school. Which she already knows is always no. She has homework after school. He says no and she gets pissy and says bye.
Well he had to go pick up some stuff for our bathroom reno, and he had to go by our house to get the truck. SD is home by now and I just knew she would tag along with him and he wouldn't even ask if her homework was done. I was wrong again he told me she wanted to go with him but he said no homework first. :jawdrop: :jawdrop: Super super surprised that SD didn't get her way I am in shock over here!!!
Maybe he is finally getting it that catering to kids 24/7 is not parenting!!! Maybe it just a temporary lapse :? Who knows but I am enjoying it }:)
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My DH has been extra good
My DH has been extra good this week too. I think hell is freezing!
(No subject)
LOL! Yes, I do that too. With
LOL! Yes, I do that too. With us (SS7), its about whether DH will get him organised for bed in enough time be in bed by 8.30 and it used to be whether he will buy him junk food when SS says he is hungry every time we go anywhere in the car (he is always hungry when we are near certain outlets!) I am right about 90% of the time.
It took me a while but I finally got him to understand that SS7 was not really hungry, he just wanted the fun of buying stuff. Obviously there are 2 issues here - eating junk, and not being told "no". But my DH would act like I wanted to deny food to a starving child if I pointed out he just had lunch, or we will be home in 10 minutes. "But he's hungry, he needs something to eat!"
I got him to realise what was really going on by packing some sandwiches and bringing healthy snacks with us. When SS7 said "I'm hungry" I would offer him a sandwich or an apple or banana, which of course he did not want. I would say "oh, you can't be very hungry then". Finally DH saw the light.
I can't think of any way to get him on board with bed times though! I've pointed out the need for kids that young to have enough sleep, the need for routine etc etc. But common sense never cuts it!
All of the time. I currently
All of the time. I currently have a bet that my OSD will be pregnant within he next six months. Not because she wants a baby, but because she has to be the first skid to have a baby. She had a close call recently, that she wouldn't be the first... So I am sure it's on now!
when my sd started having
when my sd started having "scares" every damn month last year, then acted disappointed when her terrible fear of being pregnant wasn't realized, i knew damn well she had stopped taking the pill and was trying, but for some reason wanted everyone to think she was on the pill and it failed. i was absolutely right. it only took a few months and she was pregnant. she was oh so "scared" to tell anyone, but once she did, it was all she ever talked about. :sick: they think they are so slick. they are actually transparent and predictable.
OSD has a fear that she won't
OSD has a fear that she won't be he first to do every monumental event in her family! SSs girlfriend was pregnant, but unfortunately, she lost the baby. Believe me I will not be disappointed if I lose this bet.
Lol so I'm not the only
Lol so I'm not the only one!!
DH has learned to never bet
DH has learned to never bet against my predictions. I'm not saying that I'm ALWAYS right about what stupid ass shit BM or SD will do next, but I'm batting a pretty damn good average.
It has actually become a game for us. I know this sounds terrible (but there's that whole "past behavior being the best predictor" thing), but it's actually made it easier to stomach when the bottom inevitably falls out for one or both of them. Sometimes we'll be surprised, and whatever we're expecting won't happen, but then it's because it's something worse than we'd imagined.
Some things DH and I have wagered on (The first item listed is the most frequent):
How long BM will be able to maintain her current relationship or marriage (Longest relationship to date: Three years, eight months, he's a child rapist)
How long SD and BM will be able to get along before BM kicks her out of the apartment (We're going on four months right now, but they're probably trying extra hard since DH will have to pay three more years of CS if they can make it together until May)
How long until we find out that SD has actually been living with a boyfriend or friend while DH has continued to send CS to BM
How long before SD has another pregnancy scare and/or an actual pregnancy
....and a host of other lovely concerns. My biggest fear right now is how long it will take SD to show up on our doorstep, destitute, with no place else to go. The dumbest thing we could ever do for the health of ourselves, our BD's, and our marriage would be to allow SD to move back in with us. It simply cannot happen again. We will fail in many ways with her under our roof. Her special kind of drama is so intense that it has it's own distinct taste and smell. ~Shudder~
I do this with BM all of the
I do this with BM all of the time and guess what, I can pretty much predict her next move!!!
Now, I have noticed I am analzing SS17 to see what his next move is.