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Why do they think they are entitled to my money????

Newstep's picture

Grrrrrrrr. So mad right now. BF and I combine finances we do pretty well. He finally stopped the money train to BM and skids. But now every single time SD12 needs something she waits until she gets to our house to ask for it. Every little thing and bigger things too. Shoes,sweatshirt,socks etc. We bought all this stuff for her in September but now new stuff is "needed" according to her.

BF told her he couldn't take her shopping last weekend because of Christmas money was tight. SD replies with "mom said Newstep works and lives here for free so you should have extra money" :jawdrop: He told her our finances were our business and ended the conversation. I was flaming mad when he told me. He said BM is an idiot so I shouldn't let it bother me.


twopines's picture

Omg, I'd be seeing RED!

FFS, does BM think that comment is going to make you say, "Well in THAT case, here's $ spree!"

Newstep's picture

I know!!!! The living here for free comment sent me over the edge!!!!! Like they think too much of his money is coming my way when it should all be for them. Makes me crazy.

twopines's picture

Oh yeah, I can practically hear you rolling around in your wad of cash from here! *snort*

B22S22's picture


Oh yes, I remember the BM telling me one time, "I don't understand WHY you're getting married, it's not like you NEED the money or anything."

Like she thought I was marrying DH because I needed someone to support me? Um, no. I have a successful career, own my own home, car, live a pretty good life (I have 2 kids).

Yes BM, I want to live the life of the rich and famous, therefore I'm going to hitch myself to some poor middle-class sap that got screwed in the divorce, and lives in a state where the amount of CS he pays is MORE because BM chooses not to work.

She conveniently forgets that I have 2 children I have to take care of... but that's immaterial to her.

Doubletakex3's picture

I feel your pain. That's the status quo here. BM won't even buy the kids a hot dog when she has SD10 on her dinner night vistation at SS's football game. She makes SD walk over to us in the stands and ask for a dollar so she can eat something! She refused to buy SS graph paper or pencils when he was doing homework at her house ("your Dad can buy you that"). And, she's not paying her CO CS so she can't even use that as an excuse.

She told her oldest daughter, FDH's SD20, "they don't need any money from me because Double makes a lot of money."

If I'm allowed to hate only one person in this life, I chose BM.

ThatGirl's picture

Our BM has taken SS14 places during our week, but told him he needs to get the money to pay for tickets/food/whatever from us, since it's our week with him.

Newstep's picture

It is mind boggling to me. I had a job about two months after my ex moved out. I bought my own house about a year later. He paid CS faithfully and it helped tremendously with buying and maintaining the house. But I still worked earned my own money and provided for my children. BM collects CS sits on her lazy butt and does nothing. If SD needs something she sends her to us or plays the poor me victim card. I just want to tell her to get up off her ass and take care of herself and her child. She thinks that BF should take care of her because she "had his kid" her words. She told a mutual friend that she had nothing to worry about because he (BF) would do whatever she said because she "had his kid" makes me sick :sick: