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The FBI took me seriously!

newstepmom2008's picture

So After not getting any response from the head of CPS, I was furious, posted this crap on my facebook page hoping someone would have something else that they could suggest I do. Boy, did my friends ever pull through! By the end of the day, I called the FBI to report the child pornography pictures!!!! Let those old battle axes chew on that when the FBI comes to their door(s) and confiscate all of there computers and search there home! I've now done all I can do.

After that I told DH, mother-in-law and sister-in-law, that from now on I don't want to know any of the crazy crap that happens with the skids, the BM, the BM's drug addict friends, or the BM's drug addict girlfriend. I told them if they wanted me to actually do anything then they had to be willing to go to court and fight to get the kids, if not leave me out of it because I was not going to be put in this kind of senseless turmoil anymore.

Reading your posts makes me feel like I wasn't as selfish as I was originally feeling!


bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

And thank you. thank you for caring so much...and doing what you could to protect the kids.

that was probably the most caring thing anyone has ever done for those children.

newstepmom2008's picture

You aren't offensive -- I yelled about the same thing!

We are going to see a counselor in April...earliest we could get an apt. I just don't get it, these aren't even my kids, but I'm fighting 100 times harder to try and protect these babies. He was told she was a fit parent in the divorce because she was going to some drug program. And he feels defeated by CPS, so he thinks a judge won't actually listen to him.

I mean honestly I'd rather the BM be a good mother. I'd rather not have his 10 year old here all the time. That kid is a basket case thanks to the BM and the BM's girlfriend. But I'd rather have a cramped house with 3 kids and dealing with all his wacko behaviors than to have them abused!

DH is the kind that once he's defeated he doesn't get back up and fight again.

I on the other hand, have been knocked down so many times, getting back up is no big deal. I was also severely abused by a babysitter when I was young. I still remember everything clearly so I know what doing nothing can do to them. I mean sure there are times that I feel like throwing my hands up and saying what difference am I actually making, but then I remember how helpless and scared I felt as a child and I stand back up fight for them.

Maybe that's the difference, I don't know and don't even come close to understanding him.

WowjustWow's picture

I hate that the kids have to go through all this and really not understand any of it, but at least someone is looking out for them.

I hope the FBI takes you seriously and charges that woman with child pornography. When I first read your post about the pictures I was disgusted that a mother would let anyone do that to her child.

Good for you! Those kids should be proud to have you as their step-mom!

BridgingTheGap's picture
