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Thank You!

newstepmom2008's picture

I want to thank all of you for your words of encouragement!!! I had started to feel like maybe I was over reacting b/c of DH's attitude. I had even felt guilty about calling the FBI, thinking maybe I was just going to make a volatile situation even worse.

It's just nice to know that others out there see this situation(s) in the same way that I do! I actually went and talked to my cousin about all this (she's one of the few sane people in my family.) She was appalled and when her little boy walked by she grabbed him and hugged and kissed him. He just smiled this innocent smile and wiggled free to go play. I thought all kids should have that kind of loving mother! Her husband is a true star! He was helping me find jobs to apply for, folding laundry, and then came out and hugged his kids and looked at us and said, "Why are you two so glum looking." He is what I imagined my husband would be like, and I got just the opposite.