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DH and hormones

New_to_this's picture

I’m pissed at DH right now. I’m sure it’s horemones, but his behavior is driving me mad. I’m trying to be understanding with all we’ve been through, but I just need to get it off my chest.

- We just had a baby. Born a few weeks early. We were dealing with a stressful situation of my family coming to help out after her birth to watch DS3 and help out, but really just caused a lot of anxiety and stress for me. They were helpful in that they cooked meals for me and watched DS3, but the emotional volatility was too much. I wish I had the forethought to hire a babysitter/cook instead of dealing with family.

-DH is suffering from Post-Partum depression. Yeah...I don’t get to because I have to deal with him and his emotions. The baby had some issues at birth which caused DH to imagine the worst. As a result, he could do nothing but hold her...all the time. All the time he was awake. So, he held her while she slept and she slept a lot (one of the reasons that the drs and we thought something was wrong with her). My family was pissed that all he was doing was sitting on the couch. I felt like they wanted me to clean up after meals, so I was trying to do it, while in lots of pain due to my c-section. Plus, I keep telling him he’s making it harder on me when he goes back to work because she will always be expected to be held. 

-DH has been yelling a lot at DS3. Yes, DS is being a pain. He is dealing with a new change too, but DH is relentlessly scolding him. He did it repeatedly while we were at the baby’s two week drs appointment because DS was touching everything in sight. I had told DH that I should stay home with DS while he went to the appointment, but he wanted me there for both moral support and to talk about the baby’s issues (lack of weight gain, lethargy, etc.) I told him that it’s hard to control a 3 year old and a Drs office is full of germs and we possibly have a sick baby, but he wanted all of us there. Then he repeatedly scolded DS when the appointment lasted for over a hour. How does he expect that much from him?

-DH also was pissed that my family didn’t follow any of our guidelines for DS. This totally pisses me off too. I wanted DS to keep his afternoon nap since he only sleeps 8 hours during the night, but my family wouldn’t/didn’t abide by it. But then, today, DH does that! The skids are visiting briefly to see the baby. I was tired and went to sleep fully expecting DH to send DS up for a nap in 15 minutes. But, no. He totally wasn’t going to send him to his room to nap because the skids were here. I had to go do it more than an hour past his normal nap time.

-DH needs more sleep than me. We are both waking up in the middle of the night for the baby, but he can’t handle it and will ask if I will take over some feedings. That’s fine if he doesn’t want her to have breast milk because I have to pump to build my supply. This isn’t effing new. I was glad to give up the breastmilk with DS because I didn’t have his support and I was literally getting 2 hours of sleep a night. He wanted it and we went to a lactation consultant that told him flat out that if he wanted me to succeed with breast feeding then he would have to feed the baby EVERY time the baby woke in the middle of the night. Yet he still does it. Hell, one of the reasons that the baby wasn’t gaining weight was because DH wasn’t getting up to feed her. He kept telling me that if she wasn’t waking up then she wasn’t hungry. It pisses me off that a doctor has to say “feed her every 3 hours” or “support your wife if you want this to succeed”. Why can’t he figure this stuff on his own. Plus, he thinks we get the same amount of sleep. He fails to recognize that I get up one feeding earlier than he does, so he is actually getting 1 to 2 more hours of sleep than I’m getting


tog redux's picture

I had to read your blog a few times to be sure you didn't invert the pronouns, because DH is acting like a hormonal mother who just had a c-section, not you. I laughed out loud when you said he had post-partum depression.

I would totally be annoyed with him. It's his job to be your support, not require more support and hand-holding than you do. Dear god. He needs to put on his big-boy pants.

Anyway, do what's best for you.  I know it's best to breastfeed as long as you can, but if it means the baby will have an insane mother, it's not worth it.

New_to_this's picture

Lol. Yeah, I won’t go insane trying to breastfeed.

Anyway, the baby is doing well, so I should focus on that, but yeah, my husband needs to get his act together. I’m really sick of the lack of sleep excuse since I’m getting less sleep than him.

DPW's picture

I think I would sit his arse down and say "You are creating too much drama and are grating on my nerves, stop it now" and then explain what he needs to stop, from #1 to #999,999,999 (lol, but seriously).