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SS birthday crap

New_to_this's picture

SS's 10th birthday

Opens presents before permission.
-Says he wants to play video games with his dad and sister - completely leaves me out. Since, I'm not playing, sis doesn't have to play.
-Makes us all go to an expensive Chinese buffet, and gets a plate of chicken and garlic bread.
-Tells us not to fill up because we are going to Dairy Queen for dessert.
-Wants to go bowling, then wants to go to laser tag. When told that I don't like laser tag that much, but his dad will take him and his friends to laser tag in a few weeks, he responds that his dad can drove me home and the rest of them can go to laser tag.
-Doesn't get yelled at or anything for saying that. We all end up going to laser tag. -Whines for another game even after being told no, it's too expensive.
-As with every restaurant we go to, he doesn't eat three quarters of his food then he pushes it on either his dad or his sister. Plus, he's the youngest, but his meals are the most expensive of everyone's. He complains, his dad gives in, he gets his way.
-We go to Dairy Queen, he gets dessert, he pushes three fourths of it on his dad and his sister. Both don't need the extra caloric intake.
-Wants to play more video games with his dad. This time dad asks everyone to play, so we all play.
-Whines for a later bed time, whines to know what the rest of us are doing after he's in bed.
Makes these commands all evening under the explanation of "it's my birthday!" What does DH do? He never said a word about any of the bad behavior and acted like SS was being a saint on his birthday. I hate everyone.


oneoffour's picture

Hmmm. So next year tell DH that you will not be going along. It is just too stressful and you do not need to see the Greedfest in full bloom.

Let DH deal with it. Just give him cash to pay for the crap and quietly take his credit/debit cards and check book away.

And you and your daughter can go somewhere much nicer the next day as DH puts up with the Whiney baby.

We took both Ssons to dinner this year @ Red Robin. Ysson is now 21 so alcoholic drinks all around. It was great! Both boys said thank you and were very nice about it all. Yeah, my nagging has paid off. If my nagging makes your kid into a semi normal person I consider it a good day.

Have strength. One day he will not want to be seen dead with you.