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Mini Rant

Ninji's picture

SO met this guy on a skateboard website because they both collect and the guy sells some boards. It turns out he lives in the same town as us and the two have sorta become friends.

Two months ago new friend's kid has a B day party at Chuck E Cheese. I swore last year that I would never go back to that place. SO turned on the puppy dog eyes, This is a great chance for SS8 to make a friend. He has no friends. Fine we go.

Neither Skids spends ANY time with the birthday boy. New friends wife say maybe two sentences to me and SO barely speaks to New friend.

Fast forward to yesterday. SO goes to New friends place to pick up a skateboard. New friends wife give SO the two plastic cups that the Skids were using during the party.

When he brought them home, I was confused. Why would she save these for two months. :? They are trash.

SO decides the Skids need to have them. I told him we have no room (our kitchen is really small) and that something will have to be tossed. We have my glass cups, his coffee cups and my wine glasses. Nothing I'm willing to toss. He gets all pissed off and says I'm being a bitch not letting the Skids have these stupid little plastic cups (that haven't been washed in two months). And was going on and on about how this woman saved them for the kids and we should keep them because of that.

I told him that he was being an asshole taking some woman's, whom he doesn't even know, feeling over mine. It's my kitchen. I don't want them and guess what, I've bought plastic cups for the Skids many times in the past with characters on them. They never use them.

He takes them outside and throws them in the trash and comes back in and slams the door.

I'm thinking great, Now I have to have a strained evening because this stupid woman saved cheap plastic cups in her minivan for two months.

5 Minutes later, SO comes out of our room laughing and showing me a video from youtube. He never mentioned it again? :? :?

He's insane.


zerostepdrama's picture

Where they the typical plastic "kids" cups from a resturant? Or were they special cups- that maybe the mom ordered for the party as a favor? Just curious, trying to make sense as to why the mom would save these cups this whole time. LOL.

Ninji's picture

They were regular plastics cups from Chuck E Cheese. I don't think she special ordered them because new friend didn't extend the invitaion until the day before and we didn't commit to going until right before we left.

I just thought it was crazy that he made a big deal about keeping these cups to include calling me a bitch and then he's over it 5 minutes later and had a great night together.

Teas83's picture

I've been called a bitch over little things like that too. I wouldn't take SD6 grocery shopping with me one day (because she comes to see him, not me) and he called me a bitch for it.

I don't blame you for not wanting that junk in your house. If my husband takes SD to McDonald's or something and she comes home with some crappy little toy, I always throw it away after she's gone back to BM's. She forgets about it by the time she comes back and then my house isn't full of clutter.

Teas83's picture

Your SO sounds like my husband. He always realizes that I'm right in the end, but it takes him a good 10 minutes to cool off and figure it out.

Ninji's picture

SKids have two rooms of our home that is full of Skids stuff. I have no problem with my Skids. I just know the routine with these junk plastic cups and thought I would toss them before I went through a couple of months and switching the between different cabinets and finally tossed them because they never got used. Also, my Skids are not allowed to have food or drinks anywhere other than the kithen/dining area. Allowing cups into their room would bring about the chance that they thought they could drink in their rooms.