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Another blow to the head (When will this idiot learn?)

Drac0's picture

You would think that after last week's incident of SS's face having a close encounter with a baseball bat, he would be more careful. Apparently not.

At this rate, I should just quit my job and follow SS around with a camcorder and submit the recordings to AFV. I am sure to win the $10k grand prize eventually.

SS's latest "Jackass" antic involves him and a skateboard. Picturing SS on a skateboard is a bit like picturing a giraffe on roller-skates. Sure it's funny as hell but it looks damn awkward, not to mention dangerous. I wouldn't be so concerned if SS sticks to just practicing this activity in a skateboard park AND he wears protective gear but SS uses his skateboard as a primary means of transport. Protective gear? Those don't look "kewl". Remember, it's all about image people. Safety is just a silly thing adults fuss about.

SS came home yesterday from his tutoring classes with (yet another) bump his head.

Apparently, he was riding along when suddenly the skateboard just "slipped out" from under him for no reason and his head hit the sidewalk. That's his version of the story.

I'm guessing his skateboard is possessed?

I look at his face and I tell him he is doing a good job of turning himself into "The Elephant Man" (SS didn't get the reference).

SS tells DW this morning that he doesn't feel good. DW told him that he was not using that excuse to get out of class and sent him on his way.


Drac0's picture

All the more reason to wear some protective gear. Helmet, knee pads, wrist guards, etc. This kid thinks his greasy unwashed hair will protect his skull.

DaizyDuke's picture

"another" blow to the head? How many blows to the head has this kid had? Maybe that's his problem?

BM2 wasn't supervising SS16 very well at her friends house once when SS16 was about 3 or 4 and SS fell out of a second story window and cracked his skull. DH swears that is why he acts the way he does now

ChiefGrownup's picture

Giraffe on skates. I can picture that. Glad she sent him to school. This is a kid who apparently missed the metaphor aspect of "School of Hard Knocks." Ok, let him enjoy all that hard knock learning. Geez!

Tuff Noogies's picture

HAHAHAHAHA elephant man. that was great.

and no, u wont win AFV - dh and i will bwahaha - u have idiot tall-boy, we have a beer-drinking pet squirrel. }:)

anyhooo - just like rutherford said, boys will be boys Wink and as a tomboy i crashed and burned MANY-a-time in my youth. MANY. MANY. times. and he probably really doesnt need a helmet - his skull's thick enough Blum 3

misSTEP's picture

Got plenty of chuckles out of this thread, that's for sure. Tall Boy seems to bring the comedian out in all. Smile