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These courts are a JOKE!

Nise's picture

We watched a show last night about a group of twins called Prussian Blue…long story short…their mom is raising them to be racists and they go around the country performing at neo-Nazi rallies, think that Adolph Hitler was “a great man who had some really good ideas”…their dad has not been in the picture b/c he had some drug problems in 1996 when they divorced… (the girls are about 12-13 years old) I’m not sure how much contact he’s had with them since 96 but he has been cleaned up for many years and didn’t know the extent to which they were involved with hate groups until he saw their first dateline nbc report….well…he took the mother to court…said that she was endangering the children’s safety by having them expose such hate and show their faces nationally and just all around bad parenting…he lost and the mother got to move to Montana in search of a “good white community to raise the girls in” an the father got SQUAT! I’m not saying that there weren’t’ definitely some issues in the past but OBVIOUSLY the mother’s judgment is questionable now…no tell me that courts don’t favor the mothers 99.99% of the time!!!!! If you squeeze a baby out of your body, you are it’s “rightful owner” as if you impregnated yourself…a mother has to literally BE ADOLPH HITLER to loose the control of the kids!


Dawn-Moderator's picture

That was just really sad wasn't it? Those girls were totally brainwashed. That is why the mother wanted to homeschool them. So they wouldn't have the truth of how history really happened interfere with her racist teachings.

Scary, very scary!!


StressedSM's picture

We watched that too. It is very frightening there are so many strange, strange people out there. Yes, the court systems can be a joke at times. I imagine that freedom of religion, and free speach came into play when the Judge allowed the girls to remain with their mother. You can't take away kids based on religion - even if its sick twisted and ugly. I feel very sorry for them!

But what about those freeze-dried pet people!

Nise's picture

Okay now those NUTS scared me more than the little girls!!! WTF?!?! Did you see how that lady kept petting the cat that she “still hears purring”…..and they are talking about doing it to humans…I joked with my husband…okay so when I die I want to be freeze dried and I want you to keep me on my side of the bed…you can move me in the morning and then make the bed up and put me back on the bed as “decoration”…we laughed our butts off!!!

SMIT's picture

Yes, a biomom WOULD have to be Hitler reinacarnated to not be favored by the courts. I recently got to see the papers on what the courts originally had laid out for visitation and child support when my husband got divorced and I was stunned. We already don't have my SS nearly as much as she does and my husband is shelling out $800 a month FOR A BABY (SS wasn't even 18 mos. old when they divorced). The court wanted to grant $900 a month WITH LESS visitation. I have to hand it to her (yep, I'm saying something nice about her!) for seeing that it needed to be tweaked and for working with him on a more reasonable agreement.

JustNix's picture

It's sad to still see stories like this, it's not enough we have to deal with other people outside of this country making it hard to live a normal life. How can you still be a true racist living in america in this day in age? This country is so diverse now, i mean i know people who may not like a race but just being stereotypic but to really teach or act out of hate that is really a sad person then to pass your evil beliefs on to a child who doesn't know enough about this world. WOW and the courts didn't give the girls to the dad because of a drug charge from years past. I swear i feel bad for the dads that really try and put up with the craziness.