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The world revolves around SD

nkbrown's picture

SD-17 and pregnant

Today we have to take the SD to buy bigger clothes. She is throwing a fit about having to wear fat clothes.

All I know is right now I feel very alone and lonely in my own home.


Stick's picture

See NKbrown - you are soo much nicer than I am!!

If SD over here was pregnant at 17 and b*tching about having to wear "fat" clothes, I would be like... "Uhh hey!! It's not all about YOU anymore!! You need to wear clothes that will accommodate that little baby growing in side of you! Stop being so selfish and vain!!"

Yeah, I'm not a nice person!!

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

stepmom2one's picture

oh jeez. I am 27 wks preggo with my 3rd--I have just a couple of maternity clothes! I get almost everything in a large now instead of a medium--what is the big deal?!

She can't afford to be cute. lol

herewegoagain's picture

Why are you and your DH taking such an active role in this whole thing? Let her wear whatever she wants...if she wants to get some clothes, you take her to the store (I don't know if she drives or not) and give her X amount of money and buy whatever is best with that...if she buys one outfit, great, she'll be wearing it everyday...if she is wise with her money, she'll have more clothes...if she buys nothing, oh my, next time you give her money you send her to Goodwill...

I really think you guys are doing way too much for her...yes, she should eat healthy and all that, but as long as you cook healthy, it is her kid, her body...don't treat her like a kid anymore...let her make some decision on this mess and deal with the consequences...

soverysad's picture

Steperg - this was a very helpful post. Keep it up!

"A pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist counts on the wind changing, a realist adjusts his sails"