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Life can change a lot in only few months

not THAT happy's picture

Back in December everything seemed kind-of "fine". Things weren't great with MIL nor SIL nor BIL but at least it was calm... then the hurricane came.
This year, SD will switch to a private school, and BM started looking for private schools that she found acceptable. She didn't have a job but was 100% sure DH would cover anything she proposed.
She chose some schools and told DH to choose one the list she provided, of course she wanted the SD to go to the most expensive one because "it was better for her FSD", we don't have the money to pay the money tuition + other fees at 100% so DH said no.
MIL SIL and BIL called him, and told him what a lousy parent he was along with a whole lot of sutpid stuff. DH just said he wasn't saying he didn't want her D to go to a private school. Just one that is not *that* expensive. BM sent him an e-mail saying that he should treat every child of his own the same way whithout caring who is the mother (we don't have kids). So with that in mind and that I'm quite comfortable with public education he responded with a "really? then D will go to a public school that's we want that for our future kids"
To make the story short. I got into a big fat argument with SIL on "I shouldn't care about SD because she is NOT my D vs. You don't have an opinion either because you're only the AUNT and at least I HELP DH TO PAY CS". So we erased each other from FB, Twitter, BB, etc.
I felt so overwhelmed, didn't know what to I listened to everything you have told me in the past: separate accounts.
I started with our joint budget and accounts, and told DH how much was needed from him to pay our bills, and everything he had left and he could do anything he wanted with that money. And I did the same for my expenses.
So now I'm really off the hook of CS and it's all my DH's responsibility. Of course, that means we haven't visit SD since December and until he doesn't get the money to go we won't go, 'cause I'm not giving a penny to that cause.
He's still unable to pay the expensive private school so long story short: MIL will pay the rest of the money needed for *that* school (because she wanted SD to go to that school too, apparently MIL and BM are BFF now and they get along pretty well... I couldn't care less if you ask me, at least MIL has enough money to waste on wharever she wants)

Then my pregnancy test came positive.

Oh crap. I'm sure I'll love my BK, but it came in the worst time ever!, Apparently I'm pregnant since December and through all the fighting in January, and I smoke like a chimmey because of the stress (without knowing I was pregnant).
He called his family and informed them all about our future kid, and they didn't take it too well because "he's going to love his new baby more than his [bastard I might add] daughter". For me, it translates to "more problems because that means less budget for SD on DH's side".
Baby is ok, growing and kicking. I'm due in September 11....and I try to keep myself calm and not to overstress...

This year is getting stressful and I'm sure it'll get worse once the baby arrives.


Most Evil's picture

Hey, congratulations honey - YOU are going to be a mom. A real mom, not just a step!!

Forget these losers who think they have any say in your life.

Public school worked fine for me, and my SIL smoked her entire pregnancy and her baby was fine. I am glad you are quitting though.

Don't let these haters get you down - they really do not matter at all!! Instead enjoy this special and blessed time with YOUR man!!!

Still Have Hope's picture

Congratulations! Just wait and see how wonderful it is to have your own baby. Nothing can compare! Those were the best days of my life. Stay positive and enjoy the miracle.