not THAT happy's Blog
I need your opinion (question at the end ;) )
After I record these past few months (I feel I need to recap from last time)
1. Summer vacation last year? Hell in heaven! Hated it, SD was a brat as always. family in law made it even worse. I... I can't even stand the memories, so let's skip this
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Just bought the flights for summer holiday...
In two weeks we'll be flying to DH's hometown, having the family reunion and then taking MIL and SD to the beach for a whole week. I don't know what makes me more anxious, the family reunion or the whole week at a wonderful beach with SD bitching around and having MIL to criticize every single thing.
Then a month after our family vacations, MIL will come over to be at DS's first birthday party, and she decided to stay for a whole week.....
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I can't disengage more than I already have, can i?
At lunch time I got to see DH and talked about what happened yesterday (see previous post).
So it seems like he's really affected by my reaction and how I wished SD didn't exist. I told him I was really upset and I think he understands but also acknowledges this isn't the first time I say something that hurtful to him :? and probably won't be the last time (and he may be right)
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Father's day
So, DH didn't call SD on friday, I didn't ask nor insisted...I'm all fed up with that.
I'll mind my own business.
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Questions Questions...
As you may not remember, SD lives out of state, so we get to see her about three times a year.
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The damned facebook...
I don't know why I always feel so affected with this.
Every.single.time I see BIL or BIL's wife "liking" or posting something nice on a photo of SD on facebook, I flip out. SIL makes sure DH doesn't miss any photo of his dearest niece and he adopted the policy of clicking on like every single time he sees either a photo of SD or a photo of our BS.
SIL writes stuff on the photos of BS from time to time (not as often as she does with BIL's children though), but BIL and his wife never ever write anything to any photo of BS.
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His hometown and his BFF wedding
We went to his hometown two weeks ago to his BFF wedding, and if you read the last 2 post you could see what I was afraid of.
I don't believe is signs, but I should've started that weekend, first the taxi didn't show up to take us to the airport. We ended up taking our own car and leave it at the airport's parking lot, then our car rental didn't have the infant car seat for our DS that I had already paid for! anyway, since it's not illegal in MX to carry babies on your lap that's how we ended.
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Not SD related but still worth to vent...
My DH was unfaithful to me.
It sounds awful but that's the whole truth. It wasn't someone unknown to me, it was actually an ex-girlfriend that came back from the past.
See, when I married DH I knew about SD and knew pretty much everything that had happened with BM including the fact he cheated on her and that was the reason of their splitting (while she was pregnant with SD). For some reason it didn't really bother me as I was deeply in love with him (and he DIDN'T love her after all, did he?).
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Then I need to vent again.
Last time I wrote I was just finding out we were pregnant, we were in the middle of the "private school thingy" for the SK and I was pretty much done with my in-law family.
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Life can change a lot in only few months
Back in December everything seemed kind-of "fine". Things weren't great with MIL nor SIL nor BIL but at least it was calm... then the hurricane came.
This year, SD will switch to a private school, and BM started looking for private schools that she found acceptable. She didn't have a job but was 100% sure DH would cover anything she proposed.
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