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Stupid things BM says

notsobad's picture

We had Easter dinner with the inlaws and SD(26) last night. It was a very nice evening, I get along with everyone and I'm treated like one of the family.

We are chatting after dinner and out of no where SD says that BM said they should freeze her eggs! What???
Yep, BM said we should freeze your eggs because I want to be a grandma someday, and sooner than later.

SD is 26, just graduating Uni and is going to travel Europe this summer. (Yes, we know this could be dangerous but she's a grown woman who has traveled and wants to do more, that alone is another blog.)
She doesn't have a boyfriend and isn't interested in finding a man. She wants to see the world and find herself, her words.

Grandma actually burst out laughing, DH and I were kind of shocked. I said, that's insane, you have plenty of time to have kids. SD said I know, it's not like I'm 40!!!

Then she said she wasn't even sure she wanted to have kids. She said it quietly, testing the waters and waiting for our reaction.
DH said it's your life and your choice, we can't live it for you.
I said no worries, your brother will have 6 if his GF gets her way. And we all laughed.

Then SD said BM told her she was being selfish and that she'd better have grandchildren for her!

Who says that to their child??? It's always about her and what she wants.

DH and I discussed it on the way home. SD is very, very close to her mom and usually does what BM tells her to do, thinking BM has her best interests at heart.
DH said he could tell that SD was upset by what BM said but didn't want us to see just how upset. The fact that she shared the whole conversation with us is a sign of that. She wanted our opinions and wanted to know if we also felt that she owed us grandchildren.

I really hope that SD doesn't end up with some guy who she doesn't really love but feels the need to have children with, just because her mom wants grandchildren.


DaizyDuke's picture

GBM told SD she should SELL her she was being serious... cause you can get a lot of money for that (according to GBM) and GBM knows alllll about how to get money for doing nothing, so maybe she's on to something. Wink

Cover1W's picture

My former MIL was not happy with me when she found out I didn't want to have kids.
She wanted to be a grandmother so badly.
She said all of the above, all selfish reasons, for wanting me to have a kid.
Um, no.
I had to talk with her a lot, over and over again, until she got it. Firm but gentle.
Thank goodness I never did because her son was a major a$$hat.

One of my friends kind of did the same thing to me, but she rectified her stance after she saw me around her then very young kid. "You don't want to have a baby do you?" Nope.

No pregnancy, no babies, no toddlers.
I was ok with kids 5 and up. Still am.