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notsobrady's picture

Completely off topic, but I would love to know what other medical offices may be doing. The protocols you have in place if anyone here works in a medical office.

I work for a surgeon who seems to not really be too concerned with any sort of protocol whatsoever and my anxiety is thru the roof. I broke down in tears yesterday on my way home. I do not watch the news, I do not buy into all the hype. I just want to be careful and my office has been given zero direction with this. I've not slept in 2 days because I'm worried. I spent most of my morning (at 2am) reading over the CDC website.


Anyone care to share what your offices are doing or if you've visited a doctor, what the process was?




lieutenant_dad's picture

I work in infectious disease, though not in a clinic. Some things to consider, based on what my hospital is doing and recommendations from the ID docs I work with:

1.) Let patients know beforehand not to come to the clinic if they have signs/symptoms of COVID-19, particularly fever and cough. They need to self-isolate and go to the hospital ONLY if their symptoms progress to the point that they cannot breathe or their fever is dangerously high.

2.) Screen patients when they arrive. If they have a fever or cough, send them home and disinfect the door knob, chairs, etc. Ideally this would be done before they step more than a few feet in the office.

3.) Wear droplet protective gear if doing any procedure that would produce sputum or aerosolize sputum droplets. 

4.) Wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands. Wash your hands over using hand sanitizer.

5.) Reschedule non-essential appointments to a later date, like 3+ months from now.

6.) Work off a skeleton crew to help with social distancing. Not sure how your office is set up, but put at least a chair between yourself and coworkers.

7.) Staff who have been knowlingly exposed to COVID-19 (e.g. someone in their house has it, they've been contacted by the local health department as a contact) should self-isolate at home, with their family, for two weeks.

8.) Staff who become infected with COVID-19 need to stay home until they are symptom-free without the aid of medication for 72 hours.

9.) Once a stafd member gets COVID-19, the practice should shut down for two weeks.

Of course, if your surgeon is performing life-saving procedures, some of this may need to be adjusted. BUT, if these are elective or non-emergent surgies that can wait, your surgeon needs to operate like any other clinic right now that isn't actively treating COVID-19. The thing with younger/healthy folks is that it may not kill you, but it may hospitalize you, which isn't going to be good, either. Your boss is being too flippant if he hadn't come up with any policies or procedures around this.

notsobrady's picture

We're doing somewhat of a screening prior to patients coming into the office by phone, but we don't always reach patients. And many just don't answer the phone I feel because they think its just a "reminder call"..Planning to REQUIRE all patients call to confirm their appt and go thru pre-screening process at that call. If we don't hear from the patient, I am cancelling their appointment. 

I'd also like to put a sign on the door, just not sure my Doc will go for that. We'll see today (he's doing THREE elective (cosmetic) cases today)...not sure why we're even doing surgery, but here we are. 

But I am proposing the sign to ask patients the basic questions, and ask if they have not directly pre-screened that they call the office before entering the building. I don't see this going over well though..

Anyone 65 and up I feel needs to reschedule, period.

lieutenant_dad's picture

My hospital is screening everyone at the entrance. Have a fever or cough? You're not getting in. Period. If you're there for something emergent (e.g. labor and delivery), they're triaging you first. They can't let someone who is sick in with other people who need to be there and have a fighting chance.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

I don't work in the hospital, but I had an appointment at the one here (follow-up for IUD) and they basically isolated me in a room until they could take my temperature and ask me some questions.  They wanted to be sure I wasn't infected before letting me into the regular office areas.

Once in the regular office area, they also had different cups of pens.  One for clean and one for dirty, they were periodically disinfecting them to try and prevent too much spread.

They also have a strict no visitors policy going on.  If you're not the one that has an appointment or is ill, you're not permitted in the building.

tog redux's picture

It's not hype - without some kind of changes, the spread will happen so fast that the hospitals will be overrun with patients and will have to choose who lives and who dies. Italy is doing that right now - they had 475 deaths in one day, and are having to let elderly people die to save young people, because the resources are scarce.

I work for a health care system, but in mental health, and we are sending everyone home to work remotely and call patients for therapy instead of seeing them in person, unless it's very urgent. All visitors are being screened at a main door.

Granted, I am in NYS, which is an epicenter of it right now - but no one will be immune to the spread and the lack of health care resources. And people who think this will just pass by without serious consequences to many, many people, are fools.

SteppedOut's picture

My son works at a major hospital in a major metro area. They are even screening EMPLOYEES as they come in (separate entrance). 

NotThatTypical's picture

My SO works in a hospital. They have pretty much locked the place down. Everyone coming in has basic examine, you can't enter ER through the main hospital at this time or to from the ER to the rest of the hospital. Certain staff is working mandatory overtime. Visitors are limited and alot of nonemergency care is being postponed.


ESMOD's picture

Some of my drs are telling patients to not bring extra people to their appointments too.  I would be scheduling non essential for later too 

I'm kinda mad because someone in my building thought it was a good idea to keep a vendor mtg and that vendor has since tested positive.  It is low risk for most of us... but why on earth.?

DPW's picture

I'm in Canada, in a northern region that just got it's firs case. Here, doctor's offices are closed except for emergencies. Hospitals are not allowing elective surgeries to save space for the COVID 19 rush we're about to have. Hospital also has an offsite assessment centre for COVID 19 testing. 

I'm in community mental health and we were sent home yesterday. No working from home even.

Thumper's picture

I have a Family Physician in my immediate family. Prior to this week,, patients who were reporting symptomatic were brought thru back door. Everyone geared up.

 Now patients who report systems are NOT allowed to go to the office but go directly to a specific location designed to triage possible corona virus patients.

Doctors in the practice will be under a 14 quarantine IF they travel by air or train. They can travel by car but must report where they are going. Focus on staying away from  hot spots is critical.

I can not believe any medical office would not be over cautious.

ITB2012's picture

that got cancelled or turned into phone appointments--complete with prescriptions being sent to the pharmacy and yet no one saw us in-person or even over video. A PT appointment was a phone call and I got emailed a bunch of videos of the exercises.

I haven't gotten the call yet but I'm guessing my non-emergency dental procedure will also be rescheduled.

Hospitals here are working out ways to have containment areas and reroute HVAC and things to separate floors/rooms.

I think your surgeon is being negligent and could possibly open himself up for a lawsuit if anyone gets sick, even if it wasn't form him, there's no way to prove it wasn't him unless someone with C-19 walks up and licks that person surrounded by witnesses.

WalkOnBy's picture

Everyone has great suggestions, so all I will say is:
-you should watch the news, it's not "hype" and this thing can and will spread exponentially thanks to people like your employer.