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Cutting her off the BF money teat

Nymh's picture

BM has called several times in the past couple of weeks asking for extra money to do this and that. I need some gas money, can you give me some spare cash to buy more presents with, I need some moeny to buy food on the way home, blah blah. The way BF makes it out is that she's calling several times a week, at first mentioning some trivial detail about SS so that her call doesn't violate the restraining order, but ultimately asking for more money. BF was just giving it to her to avoid a fight, but after he got that letter in the mail he put a stop to it! BM called last night asking for more "extra money" to help with gas...and BF said NO. He told her basically - Now that the CS payments are going through the state, they've told me that all money I am to give you is to be sent through them, and everything that I DO give directly to you would be considered a "gift". He told her that now that he has this $3k bill hanging over his head he really can't afford to keep giving her "extra cash".

I'm so proud! I wish he had put a stop to it a long time ago but hey, at least we're making progress Smile


sosmomof6's picture

Excuse my French there, but it's about time he put a stop to it. I can't believe she is trying to milk even more money from him, she's not happy enough knowing she'll have $3000 coming to her? Geesh! You know how I feel about this issue! Glad to hear him stand up to her...keep strong Nymh!

Nise's picture

Nymh...definately progress! He just showed her that she cannot have her cake and eat it too!

Make a GREAT Day!