Parenting Plan Success!
I am so happy to report that the mediation went very well (for us)! BF came out of it getting everything that he had asked for. He told me about how BM conducted herself during the meeting and we both have been laughing about it for two days. Apparently she went into this thinking that she could convince the mediator that BF doesn't deserve to be around his son. She tried to bring up the phone harrassment lawsuit and her bogus claims that BF has threatened to kill both herself and their son. The mediator just kept looking at BF like "WTF?" and BF would just shake his head and chuckle back at him. The mediator had to tell her time and again that the things she was bringing up had nothing to do with why they were there. They were there to discuss how much time BF got with SS, period. Not whether or not she felt threatened, not if he had really called her 50 times that one day, not if I am a whore or a threat to SS's psychological well-being. He actually had to tell her at one point that for the sake of this meeting she needed to forget that I even existed because they were not there to discuss me at all and my existance had nothing to do with how much time BF got with SS. He also told her that she can put NO restrictions in the parenting plan that say no overnight guests or girlfriends being around SS, and that that would need to be added to the divorce if she wanted that stipulated. She kept bringing up that she didn't want me around SS especially for overnight visits. She even asked the mediator if there wasn't a law that mandated a child was to not be around any non-familial guests during visitation for a period of time. Mediator was Finally BF brought up the fact that SS had come to Christmas visitation, and she has given BF an extra weekend-long visitation and had admitted that day to the mediator himself that she would be giving him ANOTHER weekend-long visitation soon, knowing full-well that BF lived with me and so in turn SS would be around me for those visits. He told her that SHE HERSELF had already set the precedent for being OK with me being around for these overnights by allowing them, especially allowing EXTRA visits, and there's no way a judge would modify the divorce to count me out of these visits when she continues to give them knowing that I will be there. She was flabbergasted as the mediator nodded his head and told her that BF was right!
BF also decided to not sugarcoat anything by saying that SS and I actually get along really well when he can get off the phone with BM long enough and forget about her long enough to have a good time while he's here. BM was, of course, infuriated. He also referred to me as his girlfriend multiple times which made her madder and madder every time.
The best part, though, was when they were talking about the child support payment being modified. She said that she didn't think the extra time that BF was getting with SS should affect HER PAY. She just basically came out and admitted that all she cares about is the money! The mediator told her that it didn't matter what she thought, they had a worksheet that they went by and the amount was just the amount unless BF agreed to pay more, which he wouldn't.
Overall I am very pleased! BM got put in her place and told exactly how wrong she was and how she couldn't boss BF around or bully him into giving up his time with SS, and that the court just doesn't care how much she hates BF or how much of a whore she thinks I am. And the best part of all - SHE SIGNED IT! She agreed to all of the changes! It's over! It's modified! Hooray! I am so proud of my BF. I've been telling him that every few hours. He won't start getting the extra time with SS until after the child support modification hearing (which also coinsides with the hearing in which she is suing him for all of the back child support, they're doing it at the same hearing) in April.
As you could imagine, BM is mortally pissed. She has called and told BF that she didn't care what it took, she would do whatever necessary to keep ME away from HER SON!! Also, she called back to say that she didn't care if the two of us lived together, slept together, f*** this point BF hung up on her. She called about 10 times yesterday without leaving a message, then left one that said she thought he was pathetic for not even returning SS's message for him to call back and that apparently BF was too busy with his whore (me) to show that he cares about his son...but SS never called OR left a message...then I got an email saying that I was too childish to respond to her to defend or stand up for myself and apparently I was too busy being used and abused by BF to do so. I'm ecstatic. She's freaking out and scrambling trying to piss us off because things didn't go her way and she is furious. I'm just so amazed.
ALSO - last thing, I promise. BF told me that BM has gotten HUGE in the past two months since he's seen her last. She has to have gained at least 50 pounds in 2 months. What could cause a woman to gain that much weight that fast? I actually feel sorry for her because I know she's not going to work or school, she's constantly calling in and using SS's medical problems as an excuse. I'm afraid she's shut herself up in her house and does nothing but wallow in this misery that she is constantly trying to drag us into. This really worries me, but at the same time I kind of get a twisted sort of satisfaction knowing that she is so miserable. I honestly worry about her health and well-being more than I gloat but I would be lying to say that I don't still gloat a little. I know that's bad of me but she's gone through so much trouble to go out of her way to make my and BF's lives hell that it gives me just a little comfort to know that it's having its effect on her.
- Nymh's blog
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I am very happy for you!!
Wow, things could not have gone better!!
The funny thing about these women is that they will eventually show their true colors. You didn't have to do anything at all to prove that she is obviously dysfunctional.... she did it for you!
I don't know what state you are in but here in Washington the BM cannot restrain you from your SS. She would have to have mountains of proof that you are a threat.... the courts are not stupid, they see these women each and every day and place no value on mindless accuations.
We just went through court and my husband's ex made all kinds of crazy allegations against myself and my husband (we share custody). The judge didn't pay any attention to her allegations because they were not backed by any sort of proof what-so-ever.
I am very happy for you!! Sit back and enjoy as your husband's ex sinks herself!
Happy Day Nymh !!!!
That is great news. Woo hoo, jumping up and down for you. WEEEEEEEE, a BM put in her place. Exspecially this one. She is nuts. You and BF must have been rolling with all the calls yesterday. Her desparately grasping at straws to re-gain control and make herself feel better.
Ya gotta laugh at the name calling and manipulation. Some one needs to give this lady a mirror.
I am SO happy that thing went well on this one. Jo
Good news!
Well, I'm glad to hear it! Sounds like things went well.
BM probably has a binging habit due to stress, which would explain the weight gain. It's a coping, numbing mechanism that many many many women, (some men) don't even know that they have or do... known as ED. Very common and it's become quite an epidemic, in this country, I'm afraid.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
good news to hear
Nymh it is fantastic things are working out for you and yours!
So glad for you Nymh!!! don't worry about gloating in the fact she is in misery...I'm so guilty of that. My dh and I have sat around laughing at the dumb things his ex does. If we are horrible people for doing that....well so be it. By laughing and gloating in it a little, you are taking off the hard edge of her reality, and how she is a brick around your for that....laugh away.
On the flip side it is natural to feel concerned about her too, and it is b/c you love ss so much that you don't want him to be miserable. But you can't keep yourself too concerned b/c you can't help people like her.
So glad that you guys finally had your day! Hopefully the cs hearing will go well too!
Haha funny update
BM is so furious and so desperate to get a rise out of me that she has been emailing me all day. The latest email says that my BF "has sexually transmitted diseases," "likes to do men," "has probably already contracted me with AIDS," and "denies his gay tendencies even though he's been caught in several relationships".
OMG!!! I honestly laughed out loud when I read that. This woman is SO desperate it's sad...
She also gave me the ultimatum that I WILL agree to never be around SS or she will get a court-order that says I'm not allowed anywhere near him. She also said that I WILL give her the address where SS will be staying the night, even though we've already given her this multiple times! I'm beginning to think that she's trying to set us up by constantly asking for things that she has already been given several times. I noticed that in the paperwork from the mediation session, an email from her was included but the response that BF sent back to her with his remarks and documentation of his address was conveniently not included. I am starting to wonder if she is gathering up emails in which she has requested these things over and over, but leaving out the emails from us where we have given her the information she has requested so she can bring us to court for contempt or something.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
That's easy enough to take care
just keep copies of the emails you are sengin BM giving her he information. Our lawyer told us the best way to do this is to cc yourself on the reply email because they you have a copy that is "stamped with a date and time stamp on when it was sent"
I am so glad I read this tonight...
I needed to read something positive. Thanks.
the sweet feeling of validation. I'm glad for you, BF and SS.
BM may be very deep in denial right now, and she sounds like she still wants to cause trouble. But no worries~ now you know that her BS will get seen through.
Sail on Nymh....and best wishes for the future.
That is so flipping hilarious. Bm is freaking out.
Even if you just saved ONE of these e-mails and show it at mediation, it would blow her ass right out of the water.
Oh, Nymh! I'm so happy for you!
This is such excellent news! It gives me a lot of hope. Wow, our 2 BMs sure do know how to act like idiots in front of persons of authority. The mediator must have thought reeeaally highly of her, huh? That is exactly how BM acts in front of our family therapists and they're just like the mediator: sensible and increasingly annoyed at how she doesn't LISTEN. She's got her own agenda and refuses to stick with the program. It's all about "proving" what an unfit father BF is instead of sticking to the task at hand, whether it's signing a parenting plan or working toward coparenting. They don't want to hear any of it! And these BMs just don't get it.
We've got ourselves some real winners! Doesn't it feel good when they just make your case for you by acting like they do? We can sit back, relax and let the pieces fall into place.
Congratulations! I am so surprised she signed the parenting plan. It's a miracle!