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Vacation finally looking up!

Nymh's picture

BM BCC'd me on a few emails this morning between her and BF about the travel itinerary. She does this on occasion as her way of trying to be nice and keep me in the loop without letting BF know that she's done it. The first email was yesterday, she was saying that the vacation was in 2 days and she still didn't have the travel plans from BF so she guessed SS wasn't going. BF responded back that she needed to understand that he had no problem sending the rest of us off to Florida while he waited in her driveway with a deputy and a warrant if she tried to hide SS from him. She responded back basically asking him what the heck he was talking about, she just wanted the damn travel plans, to get off his high horse and use some common sense and get things to her in a timely manner. So, he sent them to her, and she thanked him.

You know, honestly, I am on BM's side on this one. If my daughter was going out of state without me, I would want to know when, where, how, and contact information before she left. I don't think that she's unjustified at all for wanting to know this information, or for being upset that we made plans to fly with SS without consulting with her first. She even said herself, there's nothing she could do to stop us from flying, she was just pissed that it wasn't even going to be mentioned to her before the plans were made. I would not have a problem with my child flying in the first place, but I would like to know before she was on her way to the airport...

But anyway, it's looking like things are going to run smoothly, and I am breathing much easier now. We leave tomorrow! Hope everyone has a good week without me. Try not to succumb to too much intra-ST drama while I'm gone Smile


Most Evil's picture

I am glad it worked out and impressed that your BM helped you like that - that is great!!!

"It's funny how dogs and cats know the inside of folks better than other folks do, isn't it?"
- Eleanor H. Porter (1868 - 1920), 'Pollyanna', 1912