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MS Office 2007 Picture Problem?

officekey's picture

Maybe it's like a kid game for the one who knows how this can happen, but for me... it's IMPOSSIBLE!!!
Can you please tell me... how would I allign them, so that the smallest number of columns combinations are on the top and the bigger below... gradual descending, dependent on the number of columns per phrase combination... ?????
How do I save my Microsoft Office licenses
I have Office Home and Student installed to two PCs. The upgrade from Vista Home to Windows 7 Home Premium went wrong and several programs like Excel and Word aren't retaining the list of previously edited files.
I didn't realize the upgrade had a license and I couldn't register my second PC a a genuine copy of Windows.
I'm planning to do a clean install of both PCs. I had followed a discussion about saving the license for my Office 2010 professional, but I can't find it again.
Does anyone have this information?
Create a Custome Form and export data to Access
I am trying to create a form that has several custome fields. And then have the data that is that form exported to Acess.
Basically I am wanting to create a form and put it on someone's computer. When they email me the form, I want to be able to run a Macro that will append the data in the email to an exisiting Access Database.
I know how to create the form, but I can't get the VB code to export my data.
Save as PDF addin
I have the save as Office 2010 pdf addin, works great on my systems that still have adobe reader 7 or older. If reader 8 or newer is installed I have the following issue.