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my wife backs her childen asks me to leave

officer rick's picture

our 17 yr old son hates me because i have not given him what he wants no disipline no chores no resposibilty but his mother my wife does give him what he wants i have been blamed for the boys attitudes problems his failures in school and every thing that can go wrong in a childs life


JustAnotherSM's picture

Unfortunately, the stepparents are usually the target of the stepchildren's anger and get blamed for all that goes wrong in a divorced situation. It's always easier to poing the finger at someone else.

officer rick's picture

there is part of the problemn he dosent want any advice from me regarding anything and his mother wont let him go he will not graduate he dosent have a job or prspects ive tried to prepare him for life but im too harsh

Shannon61's picture

She thinks your discipline is too harsh for him because she's likely coddling him like he's a 10 year old. She needs to prepare him for the real world and teach him how to be a strong soldier so he can deal with the realities and harshness of life.

Maybe it's time for you to step out of the picture so she can see that it's her lack of discipline/structure that's causing his behavior. So she can stop blaming you.