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please help me with my jealously!!

o_help_me_please's picture

I have been reading for about 6 months now! I enjoy hearing about everyones stories, so i finally decided to blog about mine. My biggest problem is not my stepdaugher, but my husbands relationship with his X. well, dont get me wrong... my stepdaughter has her issues with lying, manipulation, and my husband SURELY has the guilty X syndrome- no doubt, this is a constant struggle! (give her what she wants when she wants it)
BUT>>>>>tonight I am extremely upset that my husband constantly talks to his ex via phone. I can't complain...As she has been an awesome person that i know of. We have been together 4 years, and his x has been nothing but supportive, brags about me every chance she gets. His child likes me (I think)- although i have caught her texting her mom lies about how we were treating her. Okay, im painting a rosie picture- it's really not that rosie!!!!!!

His child is manipulative, so many stories to tell - but i'll save that for later..................

My real problem tonight is that he treats his ex like his best friend in the world- I apparently have developed severe jealously issues, and they are coming out full force lately!!!
His daughter is 15- and his x calls when she has a cold, when she has trouble with her doing her homework- when she feels like he loves his "new family" more.., when her daughter has gone to a dance, when she has gotten her braces off, when she has a new boyfriend- or anthing else out of the ordinary... that requires days worth of conversations on how "they" were gonna fix this or that! I get sick of it, I could manage a couple of 2-3 minute conversations here and there- but i"m talking 15 minutes at a time (o-- only when he is on his way home from work) NOT when he is home (for example- he gets off at 4, she calls at 4:03, everytime, likes she is counting the minutes till she talks to him), at home those convo's only take 2-3 minutes- on the way home from work 10 minutes or more!!!!!! Im sick of it!!!!! he went out of town tonight and there he spoke to his daughter, so did I-- i promised we would go out of town to an event with her that her mom cannot go to, he spoke with her (daughter) for a few minutes, then hung up and spoke with his x for twice as long!!!!!!!!! i know, i am jealous- but help me if you can to deal with this!!!!!!!!!!


Notastatistic's picture

I don't get it. You say the ex is awesome and is supportive. And it sounds like they only talk for a few minutes and it's only always about their child. What's the problem then?

Happy as hell's picture

Honey, that is not jealousy. That is you being disrespected and having valid feelings. I can understand a civil relationship, but lets face it there is no such thing as a man and a woman having that kind of friendship unless they have feelings or are in love. That is how me and my boyfriend talk. All the time, and if he were talking to someone else so often, I would not be happy and would probably break up with him to see if he could rekindle a relationship with the ex. I'm happy to hear she is a nice lady. That is really good. But you need to be with someone who will call you and talk to you all the time.

o_help_me_please's picture

He says its only about the child_...And she HAS been awesome, however I still have jealously-- cause i know that it has also been about "What direct tv do you use, what friends she ran into lately, how the child (15) is jealous of the new family..............ect...... i stated that i am jealous of the realtionship that they (he and his x share)-- thats my biggest hurdle..........

Happy as hell's picture

the child is 15, she is old enough to call DH and tell him herself that she is sick. There is something wrong with this picture. You should put your foot down.

AliceP's picture

It sounds like he's talking to her on his time and not his time with you so that's a plus, it sounds like she respects him as a parent and wants him to be involved in his daughters life, that's a plus. There does need to be a boundry or line drawn though. So talk to him about limiting speaking with her except once a month or so since they decided to divorce they are going to have to parent on their own.

o_help_me_please's picture

she does talk to him on "his time"- and she definitely wants him to be involved in his daughters life- no doubt- she honestly is a good mom, and appears to live through her child, from what i've noticed...but do you think that calling him always as soon as he gets off of work is troublesome? like she knows her convo's would be more limited at home than 0n the road>?

o_help_me_please's picture

i failed to mention that we are married, have been for a year- and we have a 2 year old son who he adores.............his ex is great- (we havent had any problems) and maybe thats my problem>? She is a lot like me, blah...............

Notastatistic's picture

Wow, listen to the last bit of advice and you'll be divorced on no time. That's ridiculous! Please don't listen to that nonsense. You have no reason to be jealous. Sounds like things are good between you and your husband and his ex. Why stir up trouble?

Saying there's no such thing as a man and a woman having a civil relationship without feelings of love is just plain stupid! Ask me about that...I can tell you. My husband and his ex are good friends as I am with her too. We've even taken vacations together with her and her new husband. Please ignore those who tell you that an spouse and ex-spouse can't just talk about the kids without it being more than that. If it were, they wouldn't have gotten divorced in the first place. Don't be paranoid like some people are. Keep it up with the needless jealousy and you'll end up divorced and unhappy.

o_help_me_please's picture

Thanks for the advice.. I appreciate it- i'm not unhappy, he treats me like a queen- but like i stated- i guess im just jealous cause i feel like i am being left out, there is always something for them to talk about via his 15 year old, however, i cannot think of enough reasons to call me x once every two days??

Notastatistic's picture

I understand what you're saying but I have a question. Do you and your ex have a child together? If so, do you have a teen together? Trust me, if you did, you'd be talking every day or so! Teens are tough! I know because I have one and I also had a stepson (he's grown now.) Please don't fret over this. Sounds like you have a wonderful family. Support your husband and his ex in raising your stepchild and you'll be fine.

o_help_me_please's picture

my x and i have two children together, girls ages 13 and 12*--- they give me hell!!!!!! i guess honestly, my x's wife has his balls and hates me more, so i dont talk to him so much- i respect my husband and his x's relationship, like i said we get along great- but, i can't help but feel jealousy, cause they always have so much to talk about- however, i can think of that many reasons to call my x

AliceP's picture

Nah they are married it's time for her husband to put her first and foremost, she doesn't like it, he needs to fix it, 15 year old daughter is not a baby. However I think my DH talks to BM longer then he talks to the kids when they phone eachother a lot of the time, and that's fine with me, she communicates with me more overall though through email, facebook so I have no issues.. and when DH's dad die she called him at 3am and they talked and I felt really good about it cause i had never met the man and they had that in common and I felt she would be more comfort than I. Mr.Oh_Help_Me_please needs to put more effort into making you feel more secure.

o_help_me_please's picture

o--- side note.. the BM is not married, apparently she has had a boyfriend for the last 5 years but refused to tell my DH because according to him. " she has no time for a boyfriend cause she spends all her time on stepdaughter" i may have forgotten to mention the "mother theresa complex" YES she has a boyfriend, apparently, he is a loser, and she has never told DH--- i have been knowing about him- but have never spilled the beans either.........

Notastatistic's picture

There's no "cutting the cord" when a spouse has a child he/she is raising with an ex spouse. You said you're jealous and I believe you. It's natural but it doesn't mean it's justified. Please try to calm down about it. If you feel your husband is treating you like a queen then don't look for problems. This woman will be in your life for many more years and it doesn't sound like she's all that bad. Be secure and confident in the relationship YOU have with him. It doesn't even matter why they got divorced..that has nothing to do with you and your husband.
Relax! Smile

Notastatistic's picture

Nope, wrong. No cutting the cord with the bio mom when there's kids involved. And nope, the reason for the divorce is totally irrelevant! I'm funny? lol I guess if by "funny" you mean I've successfully navigated this whole step parenting/blended family thing....then yeah..I guess I AM funny! LOL I'm actually writing a book on the subject. That's even funnier, isn't it? Wink

aggravated1's picture

You are writing a book? Seriously?

I assume you will have an editor. Hopefully.

doll faced sm's picture


Notastatistic's picture

P.S. Some people's "knowledge" don't come from an online forum but rather from actual REAL LIFE experience! Imagine that!

MamaG's picture


Notastatistic's picture

Wow, how rude! I do stand by my advice however. No one manipulates me. And no one should manipulate you either. I think you know that your jealousy is unjustified. And I'm very sorry for the petty nonsense you've had to read here but really, try to keep it together. I used to feel like you do but now I laugh about it with the ex-wife. It's ridiculous. They're raising a child together. The reasons for the divorce matter not since they're RAISING A CHILD TOGETHER whether you're in the picture or not.

Please don't let some of these posts rile you up. Just try to look at this objectively.

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

Ok I honestly have no clue who half of you are but we need some steptalk regulars to reply bc ALL of them would say the A) BM seems all nice but she has ulterior motives Dirol Your DH NEEDS boundaries and there is absolutely NO reason why BM needs to call your DH every single damn day and talk to him for 10+ mins Everytime he is on his way home C) Why is it always on his way home, when u r not around that they have these lavish convos?? D) You are not wrong in your feelings!!! You have every right to be upset, angry, ect!!! Your husband is bffs with someone he once was married to and had a child with!! That is NOT ok.

Have you talked to your DH about your feelings??

Idk who this was towards since this post was hijacked.. lol. But the cause for the divorce really does not matter. They are divorced and he has a new wife. When they got divorced and he remarried someone else, they lost all rights to present a united front!! That right now belongs to SM and DH, NOT BM!!! And a SM has every damn right to a say in how much time and how frequently HER HUSBAND talks to another woman!!

Also all this bs about (whoever it was) trying to make her DH cut ties with BM and how its wrong and blah blah blah, is bs. That is not what she said at all!! Like I said above^^^^^^ SM has every right to have boundaries between her husband and BM!!!

God where is echo and mazzy and madamh and everyone at!!!

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

Notastic u seriously do not belong on steptalk!!! You sound just like all of our psycho BMs!!!!!!

Cocoa's picture

the long conversations are held in private, they are short when you're around. that right there is enough. he's being secretive. he's able to be more open when you're not around than when you are. if he can't speak to his ex wife in the same manner EVERYTIME she calls, whether you're around or not, he's being disloyal to you. and if you ask him to keep the communication to a minimum and he balks at that, you have your answers. so YES, you could become divorced because your husband chose to place another woman's feelings above yours. this would be very serious for me, it's the same as an emotional affair. the child is old enough to have a relationship with her father that does not include her mother (great mother or not). i had the exact same problem with my dh at the beginning of our relationship and had he not placed me above her i would have walked. the ex lost ALL privileges when they divorced and he married me. she needs to find some friends to talk to because your dh is not available. you say your ex's wife has HIS balls? yep, they ARE hers where you are concerned. take a tip from them because your "jealousy" (or rather your radar sensing another woman getting what is yours from your husband) will not get better until he does his part helps you out with this. he helped contribute to these feeling you have and it's his job to help you get rid of them. oh, and it's NEVER a good idea to go to his ex about this. this is your dh's job. if he puts his foot down, it will end. if he doesn't, it will continue.

roxy22's picture

My dh ex used to call him when we had ss15 we usually had him everyweekend.well she would call like every hour he didn't see the need to be calling at all.ss15 was on medication we have some at our house so we know perfectly well what to do with him.and she would always call and ask for dh.well he got sick of it byhimself and he quit answering the phone.well I would pick up the phone she would ask for him and I would just ask if there is a message she wanted me to give him.then she got a boyfriend and had him call all the time sometimes he would talk to him since he knew him from before but she would always try get on the phone.I and my dh both agreed that ss15 is fine with us if he wanted to call his mom about anything he knew where the phone that is totally not normal unless u think its ok to share ur maybe he doesn't know u are bothered by this since u have said a few times she is a great u just need to have a talk and tell him its bothering u and u don't think they need to talk that much.which they absolutely do not.good luck

Disneyfan's picture

Why blame BM for this instead of DH?

She's calling because he allows it. He has let 4:03pm become their chit chat time. He could have ended this long ago, but he made the choice not to. He's the one at fault, not BM.

Superstopmommy's picture

What other things is you husband doing to make you jealous? Has he told you he still has feelings for her? Does he flirt with her? or is he just talking about how to raise their daughter?

If he still wanted to be with the BM - HE STILL WOULD BE!!

Mommyto1Stepto2's picture

I can relate to your post because I too was jealous of my husband's communication with his X. Although it was mainly through e-mail and usually about the kids but I thought they needed some boundaries. There was no reason she needed to e-mail multiple times a day when their kids were teenagers. I kept hounding him about it until he finally said something to her that I wanted him to communicate less with her. Which of course, she got mad and now I think he is resentful at me. Because now they don't talk hardly at all and so he knows less and less about what is going on in the kids' lives. And he thinks it's my fault. This happened quite a long time ago and he brought it up the other day that he thought I "overreacted". So I don't know - I think you need to choose your battles??

Cocoa's picture

i don't think it is your fault at all. i'm sure they communicate about what is important, as it should be. the divorce is what separated him from knowing his children's daily, minute by minute activities. that much daily communication is unwarranted, absent an emergency. it is also not your fault that they did not have clear boundaries before you came on the scene. if he wants to blame someone, he can blame the divorce. what he's really upset about is having the emotional connection to his ex severed. and yes, that is your fault and i would happily accept THAT blame. also not your fault that he didn't realize that his wife would refuse to accept his emotional attachment to another woman.

o_help_me_please's picture

thanks for the advice everyone-I have explained to my husband before about boundries and he has stated that he will not answer her call anymore---- BUT i always tell him that i do not want him to do that, i just want him to limit his conversations. All goes well for a couple weeks, then apparently he "forgets" and she calls and they end up having a lengthy conversation Sad I feel like im stuck between a rock and a hardplace, and all i can do is vent. I dont want to rock the boat, or have her know that i am bothered by her calls.