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Keeping Promises

OKCStep's picture

Why is it so difficult for Dh's to keep their word? "I promise I will step up and be the disciplinarian in the house. I promise I will stop putting you in positions to be the bad guy. I promise you I will start being consistent with my son." All of it is bull. The minute SS11 bats his pretty eyes, smiles, says "I love you, Dad", my DH caves in to every demand. Then, the SS11 rules the house once again. Gets what he wants. Does what he wants. Treats me however he would like. And, DH wonders why I am acting pissed off? Because I am the lowest of the low in my OWN HOME! The one that I work my tail off to pay for and keep up. I have to act the the perfect SM - but NO ONE IN MY HOUSE HAS TO TREAT ME WITH RESPECT!

Sorry... I am just SOOOOOOOO angry.


misskiya's picture

Understandable. It's difficult when promises are broken, and that's exactly what happens in this situation. Just because someone doesn't say "I promise" doesn't mean they aren't giving their word. It's even worse when you have to be the bad guy. I know that feeling. Always feeling like you have to step up and be the "evil SM" in order to get anything done.Feeling run over in your home, by a child. Yet DH looks at you and says "I just don't understand why you're upset". All you can do is your best though. Writing here definitely helps too (as I've recently discovered). Let's you vent in a place where you wont be ridiculed for being frustrated.