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help! SO screamed at me (full on) and hit his computer so it got damaged!!

oncechoosetosmile's picture

What is it???I have never had that before but I recognise that I could be with someone who has the tendency to be emotional abusive!!
As usual it was about the kids. He screamed at my son (9) because he was being silly and bash a barbie against the door- fair enough-he got in trouble with me, too- but when I questioned him and also his friend completely independently from each other they both said SD bashed that barbie first- when I brought this up for consideration to SO he turned it all against me and claiming I wouldn't let him discipline my son, which is untrue since I told him off as well and would never say anything doubtful in front of the kids.He claimed the boys were lying (inspite of me asking them independently and hearing excactly the same story).This is not the point.But the problem is that SO lost his temper big time, shouted right into my face and bashed his computer!All (again ) in defense of his daughter and against me. I am confused- I am 43 and haven't had anything like that in any former relationships.
I feel sick to the bones. Another time (also about his daughter!!)he screamed at me and threatened he would leave .I feel as if I was punched in the face. he told me he wants counceling for us to sort out "the problems with the kids"- yes, a very good idea, I agree, but I struggle the most with being screamed at in such situations.Right now I am really experiencing anxiety and inspite of all assurances that he puts our rs first, I strongly feel that if it is about SD 8 he would throw everything away just in order to defend her (even though she was never even directly attacked).
I don't know how to deal with all that.


Florencia's picture

Hello, again dear. I've had that here too. I don't have kids of my own, so it's just me "against" the SD12. He also broke his laptop on a big time fight we had over (again once more) the stepbrat. I know exactly how you feel, when you say sick to the bones, I BELIEVE YOU AND THAT'S HOW ONE FEELS WHEN SHOUTED AT. Have you started counseling? I haven't (I'm trying to deal with myself first)But he's obviusly in denial about his DD. The guilt they feel makes their parenting suck!! They feel that kids will love them less if they tell them off during the time they spend together...which of course is completely false and even harmful, not healthy at all. It must be almost impossible to stay clear of SD since she interacts with YOUR kids...
I got all kinds of "I'M LEAVING", "YOU WON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE BETWEEN YOU AND MY DD" (I never even thought about that)"If you keep telling what my ex doesn't do I'll go and live with my DD on my own" and all kinds of stuff ...
Some time has passed since you posted this, how are things now?