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Is she trying to start shit??

bonusmom's picture

Okay so I have this shirt that says barbie on it bb saw me in it one day and made the comment about how it fits me perfectly not only that but she has also mentioned how I looked like a barbie on my wedding day..and how I should drive a hot pink biggie just little comments right??? WRONG>>apparently this barbie thing is a big damn deal because sd came for the weekend and when she was going through her bag of stuff she pulled out a black shirt with a skull on it that says BITCH SLAP BARBIE...I asked her where she got it she said her mom sent it with her as it no longer fits her mom and so she gave it to step daughter now I know that it was intended to rub me the wrong way but seriously who allows a 10yr old to where a shirt like this?? What should I do if anything??


happy's picture

Maybe you should ask SD to borrow the shirt and when you know you are going to see her, wear it and say isn't this a nice shirt.. I borrowed it from SD. Smile and walk away. Maybe smack your self in front of her and laugh evil and walk away.. LOL.. Tell me that would not get her. And you really wouldn't be saying anything... or starting anything blantantly.. Or read yoru shirt and BITCH SLAP HER.. OOPS your bad..

"live life to its fullest everyday"

str8_trippin's picture

"I have no idea how those bleach stains got all over that darling shirt!" Heavens to Betsy- that woman must be a constant joy in your life. Only a sick twisted b*tch from hell would let their child wear something that innapropriate. But to give her a reaction would be exactly what she must deperately be craving from you. Let me guess, you have never seen this shirt in BB right? So she plays dirty and gets SD to do her bidding. Utter chickensh*t, I do declare. Get rid of that shirt, SD should not wear such trash. If BB has problem-tough.

Cruella's picture

You took the words right out of my mouth!!!

fizzyfuzzy's picture

That is the craziest thing.....I would never let a 10 year old wear a shirt like that. We dont' even like the SKs wear anything that has skulls or says anything mean about siblings. etc. What an idiot to instill hate in a 10 year old. And she'll wonder in a few years why her daughter is getting beat up at school........
I would send it back and say something like "We dont' allow SD to wear shirts with foul language, so please keep this shirt at your house." If she keeps sending it back, don't send it back to her house and restate what you've said.
However, the bleach thing is pretty darn funny Smile

bonusmom's picture

TRUST ME I have already thought about dunking it in bleach but that will only be giving her what she wants a reaction at first I was pissed and I still don't like the idea of her allowing sd to wear it but at this point I think its funny that she has that much of an issue with me but she doesn't have a big enough pair to wear the shirt in front of me, she had to use a 10yr old to get her point across she needs to grow the hell up...I will probably just send it back

OldTimer's picture

Um... what shirt?

Wink StepMom

Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...

laughterandtears's picture

I was thinking right along those same lines!

Sure, SD had a few shirts with her, to which one would you be refering? A black one? Nope, sorry, must've left it behind at your house.


littlegrlzx4's picture

Not only because she's using her daughter on an "inside joke" (really, can people on this website draw up tshirts that say "bitch slap BM"- they's sell like mad! Wink )

Seriously, though. I would not let that shirt be worn in my home or come back from moms. We've had similar issues with shirts with innappropriate sayings. They don't see the light of day and don't come back.

Anne 8102's picture

Her FATHER should take the shirt and throw it away, then call the BM and tell her that it's inappropriate for a child that age to wear a shirt like that, especially considering it contains profanity and was meant to hurt the child's stepmother. He should also have a talk with SD about what is and is not appropriate treatment of her stepmother and that she must not let her mother's bitterness distort her own judgments of the people in her life. Then he should apologize to YOU for the ugliness inflicted upon you by his ex and his child.

Yeah, I know. I'm living in a dream world. Anyone care to join me?

~ Anne ~

"Love, having no geography, knows no boundaries."
(Truman Capote)

OldTimer's picture

All the while he's dreamy and brings you flowers with that apology, and tells you... Okay Dear... because you had a bad day, I'LL COOK tonight.

Wink StepMom

Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...

Anne 8102's picture

My husband DID, indeed, cook tonight, but you know what? It took him seeing me paying homage to the Porcelain Goddess before he got the hint that, hey, ANNE IS SICK! Maybe I'd better cook supper for the kids! Blah.

~ Anne ~

"Love, having no geography, knows no boundaries."
(Truman Capote)

everythinghappens4areason's picture

don't let her know your reaction. She sounds like the BM we have to deal with around here. Gets off on making us mad. I would ask hubby to talk to his sd and say that this shirt is not appropriate for her to wear at your house because it has foul language on it. If it comes back a million times, just reinforce that she is not allowed to wear it while she is with you. Chances are BM will be notified from the school that this is not an appropriate shirt to wear and things will just die down.

luvdagirl's picture

Yeah it would leave the house in hefty. If (especially at that age) it is not appropriate in school or if you would not let her wear it to your parents house make it magically disappear since BB can't figure out its not right.

Catch22's picture

You have to get rid of the words bitch slap and the skull and then give it to SD to wear. So it just says 'Barbie' therefore looking like a little clone of you. Let her wear it in front of Bm and when she asks, just sweetly say that DH found it inappropriate to have those profanities on a little girls shirt..looks much nicer now, don't ya think?!!

Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*

Mom on the Edge's picture

Love it, love it! Great idea!

OldTimer's picture

She diffidently thinks you're 'dense' if she makes comments to you as reference to Barbie, and then sends this shirt... yep.

Get rid of the shirt, hell bury, burn it in the grill, whatever... (use a picture of BM to start it...) whip your hands clean.

Too bad you couldn't send over a bottle of 'shampoo', that's been replaced with Veet (3 minute hair remover)...

Wink StepMom

Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...

Cruella's picture

Step Mom I wouldnt want you mad at me!!! LOL! Oh that is sooo good!

OldTimer's picture

Just add Queen of Revenge to our list...

Wink StepMom

Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...

Mom on the Edge's picture

Great idea for this year's christmas gift to BM from the kids! A nicely wrapped "me" package full of bubble baths and great smelling "shampoos!" Damn, you ladies are gooooood! Smile

Sebbie's picture

Lovers do not finally meet somewhere, they were with each other all along.

Except bm and her mother came up with the name "Bubbles" for me as they said I looked like a stripper,lol....(Im a friggin cop ladies!) This comment came after dh and I had spent the day at the lake with ss and my kids(when we first started dating) and dropped off ss..I happend to be wearing my bathing suit with a pair of shorts. I just marked it off to jealousy as I am a natural blue eyed blonde with a natural 38d chest...not my fault she has no boobs and was a frumpy brunette at the time...Funny thing is it didnt take long before she had her colored blonde, was wearing it the same way I did...(naturally straight here) bm has naturally curly so her bleach blonde straightened hair looked way out of place on her.......yuk....I take no offence as it is jealousy that makes any woman, bm or not to react this way to another woman, merely based on the other womans appearance.Thus I would take the barbie name calling as a compliment as barbie is one HOT lady!!,lol,lol. Although the biotch name on the shirt is waaaaaaaaay inappropriate for a 10 year old, definatley have dh speak with bm on this issue as he is the father.

OldTimer's picture

I want all of Barbie's toys myself...

Wink StepMom

Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...

Catch22's picture

Sorry found this amusing...I always wanted to look like Barbie but...

Fact: If Barbie were a real woman-She would have to grow to be seven feet tall. She would have a bust that was between 38-40 inches, her waist 18-24 inches, her hips around 33-35 inches. Barbie's weight would be 110 pounds. If she were a real woman-Barbie would have to walk on all fours due to her proportions.

Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*

laughterandtears's picture

That says "Jealousy becomes you" and give it to her with a big beautiful smile.