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O/T inlaws overstaying,they were here for 7 weeks and now another 10 days.Any encouragement???????

oncechoosetosmile's picture

Every year my partners parents come to stay here for 8 weeks.Last year we didn't live together yet, but this year it is full on .I am totally exhausted, his mom is helpful and cooks and even does the washing, but she is so bossy , completely overtook my house and I feel as if I am a guest in my own home most times.8 blooody weeks, guys, 8 blooody weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Pinki3663's picture

I would have never allowed that in the first place! Dear God woman! I would say since they are already fade into the scenery as much as possible. Be polite and courteous of course but find something that just NEEDS to be done. You know like counting all the pebbles in the driveway.

After this is all said and done I would have a serious discussion with your partner about next years plan. Maybe they could shack up in a near by hotel or campground if that is their thing.

I wish you luck!

oncechoosetosmile's picture

Pinki, thanks so much for responding.I feel I have no say in how long and when they come at partner already announces that this is what they do, coming here every year 8 weeks.I don't even think I could suggest to shorten it for 1 or two weeks.His point of view is that I should look at the positives, eg how much she helps etc although I am perfectly capable of running my own household.And I appreciate that she does help.But it seems after all still like I am stuck in trade I don't feel comfortable with since I don't feel like this is my house anymore and I am hiding. plus, with two more adults in the household there is even with them helping with cooking and washing. of course also much more work and dirt, dirt, dirt!!!See , I find it so hard to say how I wanted things to be because I may be seen as ungrateful or petty,since they help. They would never like to stay somewhere else, I know that for sure.I feel trapped.