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O/T my own 16 year old daughter is so ungrateful....

oncechoosetosmile's picture

Typical teenager, I know, but today I feel so stressed...Missy thinks she doesn't get enough of anything.She already missed out a few times because of her "whatever" attitude and her tonality towards me.
But- I got her nevertheless plenty of things.Nothing seems enough though.Frustrated.


LRP75's picture

Maybe take her to serve soup to the homeless. Sign her up to do some volunteering with the underprivileged. Maybe seeing how much she really has compared to people who have nothing will be a wake-up call for her.

The best part here, is that it's your OWN kid acting this way, which means that you are in a position of authority to do something about it. Biggrin

bi's picture

bd17 is the same way. she complains about everything i ask her to do, and has no idea how good she has it. she doesn't have enough responsibility, really. i need to lay more down on her. i've learned with her that what works best is to let life teach the lesson. she learns that way. so i just don't give her an allowance or buy her any extras. that's what happens when you piss and moan and half ass help out around here. she needs a job. she needs to learn the value of a dollar and to be held responsible for earning it.