boyfriends 22 year old and child live with us !
I have truly gone out of my way to be nice to my boyfriends daughter and I cant take it any more !
1st of all she got pregnant on purpose, then moved back in( no problem she needed time to get on housing and a little help with baby... I get that) ! She works 3 days a week at a nursing home and sits on her fat a$$ the rest of the time ..unless shes shopping. Her child is an adorable 15 month old little girl that is ignored in many ways.Just one of many examples is I have seen her wear the same outfit for up to 3 days. Sometimes I will pipe up and say she needs a bath to my boyfriend and will say something to her. She spends most of her time not talking to her (the child says no words yet) and playing on her laptop, iphone or reads her kindle. She does NO house work and lives here for nothing. This young woman doesn't even put the new toilet paper on the roll ! I make many of the meals and buy a good majority of the groceries that she eats and never an offer to help. She has never cooked a meal either. She is the ONLY thing that my boyfriend and I argue about. He sees what I'm saying when I point things out yet never follows through with anything.She has been telling us for a year now that shes going back to school yet each semester roles by and she has more excuses... classes not available etc. Hes just too passive about her and I tell him he is doing her no favors by believing all of her lies. I have 3 kids of my own 25,21&18 (the 18yo is a senior in high school). My oldest is in pharmacy school , 21 yo is in college and lives on his own and my 18 yo works more hours a week than her and attends high school full time. I was a 16 year old mother moved out when I was 17, finished high school and took classes and got a full time job. Did I mention I took excellent care of my kids? I know it can be done !! Am I being unreasonable because I'm ready to slap her and tell her to grow the @$%& up and start being an adult !