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Eventful night and morning

overworkedmom's picture

First, I saw 2 townhouses, and one is perfect!! I put in the application to rent and I should know by Friday if I got it. Any prayers, happy thoughts, or anything you can send my way would be much appreciated!

I finally broke down and told my brother what was going on. He spread it to the rest of my family for me. They were not happy that I came back to AHH last time and told me that they would not support me if I changed my mind again. I have been really afraid to tell them everything and was afraid that I was on my own. Thankfully, they are all 100% behind me. So that is a huge relief.

DH is still trying to be sweet but I am not having it at all. Last night I got like 10 texts from friends and family right as he came upstairs. I immediately went to "sleep" when he got in bed. He made a comment about me waking up for my boyfriend and not him. I just said whatever and rolled over and closed my eyes.

This morning, SS was being a total ass himself and after a screaming fit about how much he hated me and throwing his book bag, lunch and coat on the floor. I just told my bio it was time to leave and I told AHH that I was leaving SS with him. It was his problem that his child acted that way. Then I walked out the door not waiting for a response.

It felt so good to leave like that. I can't wait for all of this to be over and me and my kids can finally move on. I can be the woman and the mother that I used to be. I really miss me.


askYOURdad's picture

Hugs, prayers, fingers crossed, happy thoughts~ sending them all your way!

This will all be over soon! You are incredibly strong. Keep it up, you are almost done!

misSTEP's picture

Good for you for changing your response to a way too common situation!

I would also suggest getting a new bank account at a different bank and getting a PO Box to send those statements to.