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overworkedmom's picture

Yesterday dh did great. I had an early morning meeting so he volunteered to get all 3 ready for school and to day care since he was going to leave about an hour after me. The kids all looked homeless when I picked them up Blum 3 but he did good.

Anyway, last night some kind of stomach virus struck my 2 bios! I was literally up all night cleaning vomit and poop. So, we are home today (poor dd is still puking). After all of that last night, I am exhausted and SS decides this this is a good morning to throw not one, not two but three of his temper fits! Since I came back, dh has been doing good and jumping his butt when he acts like that but GOOD LORD!! His screeching and throwing and slamming woke up DD who had only just fallen back asleep. I want to punch a child! He is just so horrible! You wouldn't think he is turning 8 in two months, he still acts 3 and has 0 respect for anyone!


Willow2010's picture

Wait...Maybe I have you confused with someone else...I usually look at avatars and not names.

Wasn't it your DH that wanted to kill you with a knife a few weeks ago and you left?!

Like I said..I may have you mixed up. :?

overworkedmom's picture

Yeah, threatened to stab. Lot sof counseling and talking and working. We are doing a lot better and I did come back.