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Posting as a BM- My ex Sucks!

overworkedmom's picture

So the newest thing that my ex is trying to do is accuse my of "endangering our children by constantly involving them in high risk activities".

Now what are these high risk activities, you ask?? Well, we are going skiing this weekend. Also, sports. Sports are bad. And lets not forget that we (me and dh) took the boys para sailing last summer on vacation. BS and SS were old enough and met the height and weight requirements so DH took the boys up. DD wasn't big enough so we hung out on the boat and watched. Yep, this is why I am a terrible mother.

This comes one week after he accused me of abuse/neglect because BS is over weight. BS has been "over weight" since birth. He doesn't eat and more or anything different than the other 2 in the house. We don't eat out, I cook every night. I pack lunches (very healthy lunches) daily. The other 2 are right where they are supposed to be for weight but BS is over- picture a linebacker- that is my son. Keep in mind that I am the only one to ever force sports (don't forget those are "high risk"). He is involved in sports spring, summer, fall- I take winter off because I need a break. He flat out refused to take him to anything for years and has literally pulled that poor child off of every field, out of every pool and off ever mat for everything he has done. BUT I am the bad mom....

Lord help me!


stormabruin's picture

One of the times DH's ex told him he was putting SS in danger was 4th of July when SS was 9. He came out dressed to go to fireworks in a humid 94 degrees in a turtleneck & long jeans.

DH sent him to go find a t-shirt & some shorts to wear & SS told DH that BM told him he had to wear his turtleneck & jeans because mosquitoes carry malaria & west nile virus & it could kill him.

DH told him if he didn't change his clothes we weren't going to see fireworks. SS was in tears the entire night because he was scared of mosquitoes & BM was going to be mad.

Every time your SS gets into a vehicle with his dad, your DH can point fingers & accuse him of putting him in a high-risk situation. I'd love to hear your DH present such an argument in front of a judge. LOL!

"Your honor, she let him walk onto a football field. Do you hear me??? A FOOTBALL FIELD! Do you know what can happen on a FOOTBALL FIELD???"

stormabruin's picture

One of the cheerleaders could land on him.
A bird could dive at his eyes.
A baton twirler could get careless & hit him in the head.
He could inhale a dandelion fuzz gone awry in the wind.

Any number things can happen on a football field.

overworkedmom's picture

Y'all are awesome! We had a big laugh the other night that I let the kids have a bite of cookie dough when I was baking. Not only am I continuously making BS fat but now he is going to have salmonella!!!

alieigh21's picture

I'm not sure where you live but couldn't you get a heat stroke wearing such warm clothes in the middle of July. I'm pretty sure they make sprays that will discourage mosquitos from biting. Or is the spary can going to give him cancer.

EvilWickedSM's picture

Ahhh, gotta love it. Don’t you know that everything we do is wrong in the eyes of the exes? The logic of your exH confounds me. Really? You’re a bad parent because your child is overweight, but he is the one throwing a fit about him being involved in sports? Yes, let’s let him sit around and be inactive, THAT will solve the overweight issue. Sounds like a real winner of a dad there.

My favorite part about my exH is 1) that it's not okay for me, who works full time, to expect him to help financially support his child, but it's okay for his wife who only works part-time because she quit her job and couldn't find a new one, to collect CS from her kid's father and 2)that he thinks he is father of the year and that his SS’s dad is a POS father. This is humorous because exH see’s DD LESS than his SS’s dad sees him, PLUS exH has NEVER been to a parent/teacher conference or asked about DD’s report cards, hasn’t been to a school function in at least 3 years, and asks me every weekend he has her during football season to get her back early so he can watch the game and drink beer with his buddies. Oh, and now I’m trying to keep DD from him because she doesn’t want to go to his house (I never tell her that she can skip, make her ask him and he decides). Um, maybe she is tired of hearing your wife complain about her mother all the time…do you think THAT might have something to do with it?!?!?

Sorry, you got me started…lol.

overworkedmom's picture

Gotta love that double standard!! Don't know know you are still supposed to bow down to your ex! I think that is the biggest problem with me and my ex. He hates that I don't "respect" him anymore. Truth was I never did, but I was young and dumb and had 2 kids. Did what I had to until I could leave.

farting_glitter's picture

ahhhhhh sounds like my exH.....he is such a douche rocket....

overworkedmom's picture

LOL- I am sure that has something to do with it. He is locked down with a knocked up "wife" and she has a 2 yr old. They are limited on what they can do, so it is best to just try and stop me from doing things that they enjoy Sad

SMof2Girls's picture

BM told DH that he was endangering the health and welfare of the skids by enrolling them in soccer. Because they have asthma, they could have an attack on the field, creating a life or death situation.

This came after she had enrolled them in a league at her house which DH refused to agree with .. being that all games and practices fell on his time and she lives an hour away ...

overworkedmom's picture

That is all I responded with on every e-mail he sent- Take it to the lawyers, I would love to hear what a judge would say about it!

It just sucks when you are doing everything that you can for your family and hear this "whomp whomp whomp" in the background. My kids are freakin' awesome. We have a ton of fun together as a family. So sorry exH that your GF has a 2 yr old and you knocked her up and you guys are limited to painting pottery and going to the movies, but the kids we share are wide open and love to have active fun. Me and DH are all about it!

overworkedmom's picture

This is their first time skiing. They have ski school for 8 hours on saturday and on sunday we are going to chill on the bunny slopes together as a family. We are bringing MIL so that we have a 1:1 ratio of kids/adults. We are safe in everything we do. But I will be damned if I have to document my every move for my dumbass ex!

B22S22's picture

I don't have an ex, as I was previously widowed. But my FirstDH's mom (former MIL) does a great job at disrupting my life as often as she can in the name of the "biological connection to my babies" (meaning, my two kids, her grandkids)

After my NowDH and I started dating, my DS then 6 y/o wanted to learn to play hockey so we enrolled him in hockey classes. Burned my former MIL up that HER GRANDSON would be interested in something my NowDH did as a child/teen/young adult.

So she took it upon herself to google AND print off every article she could find about hockey players who were injured by getting boarded, sliced open by skate blades, etc and then proceeded to share every one of those stories with my 6 y/o son (one of them was of a player who's carotid was severed by a sharp skate blade.... she said she looked for pictures but couldn't find any)!

How's that for bedtime stories??

Happy to report, my son, now 13, is STILL playing hockey and plans to continue. But somewhat sad to report that former MIL will NOT come to his games because he "just won't listen to her"

3familiesIn1's picture

When BD9 lost her bus stop this year, I was going to let her ride her bike to school, its less than a mile and she crosses the only major street by going on a walking path underneath it.

I work, getting BD9 to school makes me late, my only choice was to let her ride her bike (which we used to walk twice a week all of last year) or change all of my work commitments and then work an hour later every day to make up for arriving an hour later....

My XH emailed me every article he could find of child abductions of kids on their way to school... We live in a very nice area, the SCHOOL even encouraged kids to walk or ride their bikes due to the bus route changes which axed so many kids bus stops.

Makes it nice for him since he only takes her to school 4 days a month..... asswipe

alieigh21's picture

Seems to me the sports might be a healthy way for him to get control of his weight (if it is really a problem). I raised two athletes. BS played, baseball, football, wrestling, basketball and ran track. BD did dance and cheer leading. They had their share of injuries. None of them has stopped them from leading a healthy productive life. Kids get so much out of sports.

Has he ever done a body fat test? When mine were young the height weight charts suggested they were slightly overweight. They hit puberty and it balance out. Through their athletics they had their body fat tested. They have very low body fat. The explanation was they weigh a little more because they have a higher than average muscle mas for their height. Not surprising given BD could single base a girl who weighed only 10 lbs less than her in high school.