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wth is it going to take to get through to ss10?

PeanutandSons's picture

Just got a call from Dh. SS once again flat out refused to do his homework at the daycare during homework time. no matter what they say or do, he just argues and flat out refuses to do it..... Because he wants to go play.

This kid seems to have zero concept of consiquences until it is way too late. He was happy as a clam until ten minutes before Dh get there..... Then he wanted to do his homework. After two hours of running his mouth at the daycare workers. Now of coarse he's damn near in tears cause he knows he's in trouble but at the time, no worries at all.

What the hell is wrong with this kid. How can you not understand simple cause and effect at 10 yrs old.


3familiesIn1's picture

At least he had tears.

If he refuses to do his homework, can the daycare enforce that he sits in the homework room for the time it should take to do the homework? Meaning, if he sits an hour and still chooses not to do the homework, he misses the playtime anyway?

My SS6 shows no remorse for anything. He got a red light last week at school - when asked about he just shrugged and said, that was yesterday but today he got green. DH pushed it asking him why he did what was reported. He didn't answer, he just restated it was for throwing rocks or something with a look of are we done on his face. DH asked him again why he was doing that, SS6 restated again, it was for throwing rocks or something, shrugged - DH said, don't do it again, SS6 says ok and then said so can I have my chocolate bunny for dessert. DH said nothing, so I said, no you cannot, you got a red light !!!! SS6 said, ok so I will have it tomorrow then and walked away.

At least yours had tears.....

PeanutandSons's picture

He is crying because he doesn't want to be punished, not because he's remorseful.

3familiesIn1's picture

SS6 when caught is angry and blames those around him. He is never ever sorry. Not even when caught. He either always 'shrugs' it off - literally, with his shoulders as in who cares - or if he is going to be punished, he get extremely angry and lashes out blaming whomever he can - but he is never ever sorry.

To the point where even his teacher commented that 'SS6 never shows remorse for his actions and bad choices'.

believe me, it sucks - and I have your exact question, only I wonder what it will take for DH and BM to realize they have a real problem, and what will it take for SS6 ...

PeanutandSons's picture

Yep, there's always a story how its not his fault, it wasn't really how the teacher says it was, never actually takes responibility for how action.

Him and SD are the same in this regard. They don't ever try to do the right thing, they try to get away with as much as possible without getting caught. If they get caught, oh well, try it again tomorrow.

SD is.more like your SS..... She shows zero remorse or emotions about anything. The therapist is very concerned with her lack of remorse and empathy. She will bully kids, hurt them, tease them, get them in trouble and feel no remorse or guilt. No matter her punishments she just stares at you with this dead expression of loathing.

PeanutandSons's picture

No, no one falls for the tears. It's actually more annoying than anything else, as he's a big cry baby about a lot of things and he's way too old for it.

It's just one thing after another with these kids..... Can't seem to ever make any real progress.