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Dirty Water

poisonivy's picture

Could I be the only person in the U.S. who is extremely concerned about 11,000 tons of radiation contaminated water going into the ocean??????!!!!!!


shinenz's picture

Nope not at all, I just read it also on the news page.... of course they will downplay it, and tell us it's won't be an issue, as it will break down rapidly...

poisonivy's picture

Of course....and the saddest thing of all is that we are not storming the streets in protest. Well, so long Alaskan Snow Crabs.....

Done WIth It's picture

Not only that, what about the radiation found in milk from west coast dairys? I think it's a whole lot worse that they're letting us know. The one official over in Japan cried when he was asked about the radiation a few days after it all happened.

It's scary with no feedback here for those living out west and what we should do.

Asher10's picture

It's upsetting and scary absolutely.But what will protesting in the streets do to save us?Americans are unorganized,selfish,and panicky.Protesting about this will cause riots,looting,and murders.We will not be able to be as accepting of our fate as the people in Japan.They understand they are all in the same situation so they must help each other.That would never happen here.The few Americans who happen to be intelligent enough to be organized and sympathetic to their fellow man aren't enough to outnumber the stupid,violent,selfish,piece of trash Americans that give our country such a bad rep.Those are the people who will take from the weak for their own preservation.That's what protests would lead to if it happened here.I recommend trying to make yourself as independent as possible by storing emergency supplies and food.And for everyone in favor of gun control...who do you think will be holding the guns to take your carefully stored emergency supplies if the shit hits the fan here like it has over there?The criminals will have the guns so they will be in control.I suggest if you aren't already armed to the should remedy that sooner rather than later.

poisonivy's picture

Asher, when I say protesting in the streets, I was not meaning in the literal sense. I should have communicated that a little more clearly perhaps. I was speaking to the fact that, as a country, we have become complacent, comfortable and distracted. We are so busy with our SUV's, Jersey Shore and McDonald's that serious issues like this one are merely background noise.

When I said storming the streets, I mean being active in helping to find a resolution, getting off our butts to do something. After the BP oil spill, people all over the world were submitting ideas to figure out how to clean up and prevent this from happening again.

I know that it if difficult, if not impossible, to guage someone's personality from a random blog, but if you knew me, you'd know that I agree with you in that we should all be trying (technically, its already too late to try) to become as self-sustaining as possible. However, I do believe that humanity possesses the power to affect catastrophes like this.

Asher10's picture

True.I definitely feel as a country we are complacent little sheep content to pretend as though we live in that Walgreen's commercial about Perfect,remember those commercials?