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poisonivy's picture

BM contacted DH to let him know that skids won't be down for visitation because SS10 has the flu and SD6 has 12, yes TWELVE RINGWORMS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now he understands why I strip them down and bathe them when they arrive. Luckily, because of distance, DH has been doing the majority of visitation at MIL's which is almost halfway, so aside from scrubbing him down when he returns, we should be in the clear.



alwaysme's picture

Well at least she has the sense not to send them to your place. EEeek. I would do the same as you and bathe them immediately too. Use Iodine in the bath to kill the nasties

forever2's picture

That's the worst, when they are not only annoying and obtrusive attention-suckers, but they are also physically digusting. I won't use a pillow or blanket that skid has had his filty body on...and it sort of turns my stomach to enter his room...and god forbid to have to touch his laudry. Worst was when he had a wart on his foot. I just wanted to wash the whole house in bleach the second he left. BF once tried to cover me in skids blanket, unknowingly, because it was nearby and I was cold...I nearly jumped out of my seat. I couldn't hide it. BF was of course offended that anyone wouldn't be honored to be surrounded in his little angel's sweat and smell and germs. He said angrily, "he doesn't have cooties!" I thought, "really, are you sure of that...because I am pretty sure he has cooties with a capital C!"

poisonivy's picture

Forever, I could have written that response verbatim!!!!!!!!

SS always has some sort of nast going on and SD is like a walking germ! Had it not been for the flu, BM would definitely have sent them for visitation. I am totally grossed out just thinking about it.

Nightshade's picture

At least it's not really worms!! I work with kids and see patients with real intestinal worms occasionally!!! Ringworm is a fungal infection, if it's on the feet it is Athlete's foot.Still gross btw but not quite as bad!!!

Nightshade's picture

Ringworm is a common skin disorder, especially among children, but it may affect people of all ages. Although its name suggests otherwise, it is caused by a fungus, not a worm.

Many bacteria and fungi live on your body. Some of these are useful to you and your body. Others can multiply rapidly and form infections. Ringworm occurs when a particular type of fungus grows and multiplies anywhere on your skin, scalp, or nails.

Ringworm is contagious. It can be passed from one person to the next by direct skin-to-skin contact or by contact with contaminated items such as combs, unwashed clothing, and shower or pool surfaces. You can also catch ringworm from pets that carry the fungus. Cats are common carriers.

The fungi that cause ringworm thrive in warm, moist areas. Ringworm is more likely when you have frequent wetness (such as from sweating) and minor injuries to your skin, scalp, or nails.

The symptoms of ringworm include:

•Itchy, red, raised, scaly patches that may blister and ooze. The patches often have sharply-defined edges. They are often redder around the outside with normal skin tone in the center. This may create the appearance of a ring.

sixteensmom's picture

Gym mats used in PE or after school care are often a culprit too. And if you have boys that wrestle, plan on having a ringworm prescription throughout the season. The first sign of a 'rash' on my middle son in wrestling season and I was on the attack. It helped a lot that our team physician was a wrestler as well and was always at the ready with the rx pad. The key is to catch it as early as possible then attack with the antibiotic OINTMENT and ORAL. Kids can also be more sucseptible to RW and athletes foot as teens if they have a breakout as a little kid. If SD is only 6, she could catch it over and over again throughout school in showers and PE and any sports she plays. It doesn't help that they're not clean kids, but it's not only the 'dirty' kids who catch RW. My boys used to shower twice a day. Oldest had athletes foot from age 12 on. MIddle only got RW during wrestlling season.

Yme's picture

OMG! I feel the very same way about SD13!! I can not stand to touch ANYTHING she has touched! Thank God F'nDH (DH is in the dog the F'n is just that!) doesnt give her more than a slight peck on the cheek or I wouldnt allow him to kiss me! He KNOWS i MEAN that too! saw her use his new bottle of mouth wash and I banned F'nDH from using it!
SD13 has had lice and righworms thanks to BM!!....Lice is one thing but the ring worm was nearly impossable to kill!! it was HUGE and I bleached the shower everytime she used it!! BM had NASTY cat=ring worm from h3ll!!! Currently SD13 has no less that 8-12 warts on her hands and CHEWS them off!!!!!! I will NOT let her touch my food/fridge/silver ware ect.....I so nicely bought her her own set of cutsie cup bowl plate glass silver ware....BLEACH in ALL dishwater just in case....been known to throw away an entire bag of chips after she put "wart hand" in the bag....friend thought I was nuts until I quickly pointed out the massive wart zone and she almost barfffffed!! :sick: Friend quickly told her kids to NOT touch SD13 or anything she had handled.....I know I sound mean but GAGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!?!?!?! Glad Im NOT alone!!!

smof5's picture

Omgosh???? :? Its not the childs fault they get ring worm, its a fungal infection..same as athletes foot.. and a wart??? its not a child's fault if they have a wart either. I would hope that you don't single this child out because you think they have "cooties"