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O/T Is this normal?

porcelian-doll's picture

I am four months pregnant and I noticed my nipples look bigger and darker than normal. Also the little bumps on and around my nipples are more pronounced and they feel kind of hard. My breast hurt like I have something hard and heavy inside them.


porcelian-doll's picture

Are they going to stay big after I give birth? I don't like this it hurts and its no fun. I'm literally eating ice cream and crying. My mom won't answer her phone. I'm sorry for laying it all out there but I just feel well I can't even explain how I feel my boobs hurt and I miss my mom and I'm scared this whole being a mom thing is new and scary to me.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Yup. Do the bumps look kind of like darkened raised moles? My nipples have doubled in size and it's so crazy. I also went up a cup size. My OB has said all this is normal but I would still mention it to yours for peace of mind. Smile

chokinonlemons2u's picture

Yes, my nipples ate my breasts during pregnancy. No, they didn't get small after I was done with pregnancy and nursing. Sad

It sucks. And its totally normal.

chokinonlemons2u's picture

Nipple bump warning. When I was breastfeeding my oldest son he would be latched on well nursing and milk still was leaking and running down my side.

I was. So.confused.

Turns out one of the bumps that lined the outside of my aeriola was ALSO attached to a milk duct and would pour its own milk out while the baby suckled on the actual nipple!

Im sure that doesn't happen often, but it can.

just.his.wife's picture

Yes it's normal.

One side effect I had from pregnancy was my nose got bigger... as in wider.. ALOT wider. Thank GOD it went back to normal once the kid was born!

3LittleDragonflies's picture

Mine itched with my first BD. Like constantly. I started to look like I was constantly picking my nose or rubbing it. Just about drove me crazy.

Anyone else have the mysterious ticking noise from their uterus? My doctor heard it and still can't figure it out. My midwives with BD2 just treated me like I was insane.

Jsmom's picture

Normal....Get the book what to expect...It became my bible. So much of what happens is so weird and no one talks about it. You need to read it in a factual place so you don't freak out.

I didn't breast feed and what happened to them from not doing that completely freaked me out....Two full days of misery. No one tells you this stuff....

nothinforya's picture

You might get a brown stripe down the middle of your belly, too. And your feet can get a half size bigger. Not to mention the loss of IQ points from sleep deprivation. But in a few years, you will barely remember any of it.

Yosemite's picture

It's normal. Also be careful not to pick at or squeeze any of those bumps, even if they are bugging you or have something in them. Some of them are capable of becoming extra nipples if needed and since milk is produced on demand, picking at the bumps can result in your body thinking there is a demand to provide milk from that bump.

ETA- Just so you don't feel like you're the only one who's freaked about pregnancy stuff, with my first I never knew about the mucus plug. So when that came out I rushed to the ER thinking something was wrong. They all looked at me like I was nuts and patiently explained what it was, LOL.