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O.T/How to get rid of ants

porcelian-doll's picture

SD14 keeps complaining about ants I checked her room and there are a trail of ants from her window to her corner wall. Everthing in her room has ants. Her purse wall a few of the purses have ants in them. There are ants on her laptop. I just had to smack an ant off of my arm. DH sprayed the room a few days ago and vaccumed but there back and their starting to go into our guest bathroom. How do you get rid of ants for good. I'm getting itchy just typing about it.


arjuna79's picture

uh get rid of her and her filth? }:) you can sprinkle borax powder. Or, I use rosemary essential oil diluted in a spray bottle to spritz around (not good on nice wood finishes though) and maybe that smell would annoy her - bonus.

just.his.wife's picture

Go to a hardware store. They sell very small bottles of a liquid ant killer, name is escaping me. But the brand name Terro makes it.

you put a few drops down and the ants will SWARM this stuff, take it back to their nest and they all die.

arjuna79's picture

I've used Terro too. You can put it in little cut-up segments of drinking straw so it doesn't glob on your surfaces.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Terro also has little tiny cardboard squares that you put the drops on and you can place them down discreetly wherever you are seeing the ants.

porcelian-doll's picture

Thanks I just ordered some terro off of amazon it only cost me 3.85. I hope it works. I'm still itching and watiching the video of how it works made me gag. So now after I use it I will have to clean up the piles of dead ants it kills. I feel sick.

nothinforya's picture

Terro is the bomb! The ants usually make it back to the nest before they die, so there won't be a big pile of dead ants. The main thing is to allow the ants to feed on it undisturbed. You may have to replenish the drops a couple of times, because they may eat it all. It's the safest, most effective ant killer out there.

kathc's picture

You probably won't find many dead ants to pick up. We used it and for about three days I picked up maybe 3-4 dead ants a day but the rest died wherever it was they were coming from. Don't know, don't care. lol

Jsmom's picture

I have used windex to kill the ones there and then the bug bomb to get rid of the rest...Also, she is probably taking food into her room and that needs to be addressed...

Stupidlyoptimistic's picture

Believe it or not, but vinegar works really well. We had ants last summer really bad in the kitchen. The weather here causes them to come inside in search of water during the summer. We sprayed ant killer around the house, but it took a while to really work. I found out this spring that they are actually repelled by vinegar, and it kills them, too (if I remember correctly). I clean my floors and countertops with half vingegar, half water, and a tablespoon of Dawn dish detergent. It cleans great! We started seeing a couple of ants at the back door, so I sprayed vinegar around my doorframe (inside and out), and kept cleaning floors and countertops with it. No problems since!