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Poopy Justice

porcelian-doll's picture

SD had dance practice and DH had to work late. I had a spiritual gathering to get to so I put my baby daughter in the car to drop her off with my grandmother and get SD14 to dance practice. SD alerted me that my DD was having a milky vomit spill so I pulled over into a nearby gas station cleaned her off and asked SD to hold her for a sec while wiped the side of her seat and search for her bootie that fell off its cold out so it’s important. We left early so I could make sure to get SD to practice early. But she is all melodramatic and groaning and moaning and smacking her lips rolling her eyes asking me to hurry up under her breath. I get up to put on the bootie and DD is giving the I'm about to release gas yawn and smile. I tell SD I can get her and SD says no she can hold her while I put on the bootie. She is breathing and sighing annoyed and asking me to please stop wasting her time. At that point DD let on rip and ooze on to SD's pants. The things that come out of her you would be surprised especially because she is such a small baby. SD is mortified. I am scoffing in a laugh. I run DD to the gas station rest room get out her changing mat and fix the situation. Lucky SD wore her black dance tights and not the powder blue ones lol. She was still able to make it to dance class early so there was no need for all the drama.