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Pregnacy is bringing out the witch in me

porcelian-doll's picture

SD14 is staying with us until Tuesday because BM had to go out of state for a family emergency. I don't want to be here with SD but I wont let her think she can run me out of my house. Anyways SD asked for ice cream. I told her she can have some of the vanilla but do not touch the little tub ofpeanut butter cup ice cream. Sure enough she takes my little tub of ben and jerry's peanut butter cup and a spoon. Right in front of my face.

I don't know what happened but I just have had about enough. I grabbed my ice cream and told her to get out of my face. She throws a snotty little insult my way. Calling me a vampire. So I let her know if she really wants to see a vampire to touch something that's mines again. I don't know where it came from but it feels good. That is my favorite ice cream. And everyone knows to never mess with a pregnant woman's food.


learningallthetime's picture

Good for you! I have seen your posts, and I think the best approach is this! Your SD is a bully. Tell her you love your ice cream, but you are really feeling the need for some red blood cells and she might wanna lock her doors! Fight fire with fire, she operates by intimidation and will not cope with you giving as good as you get! Trust me, been there!

Executivestepmother's picture

GOOD WORK! I would have booted her ass outside for the night!!! TRuly! At our house you respect eachothers things or you lose your room. I told SD if she can't keep her room clean and respect my privacy I will turn her private space into a gym and she will lose her things.

GREAT WORK SM! kick some ass

StubbornEnough's picture

My new technique with SD17 is writing FIND THE TOENAIL on every container of my food that I don't want her to touch. Maybe FIND THE BOOGER....

I kid...I KIDDDDD. But I feel your pain...

newbiestepmom25's picture

LMAO chokinonlemons. I must remember to go pee before reading your comments lol. OP I'm proud of you for saying something to that little turd.

purpledaisies's picture

I read this to my dh and he said 'i would have dome the same thing little shit' yep he's all mine Smile

WarmBody's picture

Good for you! She challenged you and got what she deserved. If you stay consistent she will eventually learn her place. I'd give that girl a vulcan death grip and a chilling stare that says, "I would destroy you if there weren't laws in this world" and then take back my ice cream.