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My husband passed away

positivelyfourthstreet's picture

My husband passed away and I am trying to work out all the final details with his daughter and brother because I am trying to do the right thing no matter how much I'm hurting.  I am also dealing with cancer now.  I was in the hospital when my husband went into the hosptal.  We agreed to have SD be his sole visitor(the hospital he was at only allowed one)and handle updates and all of it because I literally could not speak after a ten hour surgery for oral cancer.  I had a lengthy and very difficult recovery.  Oral cancer is brutal and I haven't started chemo and rads yet.

I was very grateful that someone could be there for my husband when I couldn't.  I love my family more than I hate anything they've done to me.  It tore me up that I couldn't be there for my husband.

But I can still feel the hatred simmering under the surface in my SD heart.  We passed by a place with really bad memories and of course she had to say Oh I remember that place in a very bitter tone.  I said I can remember a whole lot of things that we probably shouldn't bring up right now and that was the end of it.

His brother kept grabbing my leg and my knee when we were in the car.  It felt kind of icky and he wouldn't have done it if my husband was alive. I already tried to draw boundaries when they first got here by mentioning that I still have a lot of sore spots from surgery that haven't healed yet so I really don't want to be touched.  To her credit, SD respected those boundaries.  I was also very impressed at how she stepped up when I couldn't.  Considering our history she handled things very well.  

But there are some things that are really bugging me and I can't say them anywhere else.

When my husband was taken away in the ambulance she filmed everything and my kids were horrified.  When he was in ICU with one foot in the grave in the hospital bed she was sending pictures of him with the facebook/instagram filters that make you look like a dragon or a dog and this really pissed me off like you wouldn't believe.  I felt like she was making a spectacle out of her dad and his illness. 

I guess we're just different.  My kids and I are extreme introverts and very private.  The others just throw everything out there on facebook for the world to see.

So now I am tasked with weeding through 65 years of dusty moldy photographs and papers.  Receipts for tube socks purchased in 1977.  Pictures of every girl/woman who ever uttered a word to him from middle school until now.  Receipts for furniture he hasn't had in decades.  Old love letters that probably caused discontent in both of his marriages-his XW finally got tired of it all, took up with someone else and had an outside child.  Out of all the people in our circle I am the only one who ever acted like I was married.  That wedding of SD that they started a war over?  They are divorced now and she's with someone she was talking to the whole time she was married if her dad is to be believed and it looks like she might be starting something with one of the nurses who took care of her dad before he passed away.  Nobody is comfortable enough in their own skin to just live they have to cheat, lie and string people along just because they can I guess.  Don't make any sense to me.  

Anyway, I'm having some difficulty sorting through some of this stuff. If I don't they will want to come here and do it and my God these people are draining. The obvious junk like tax returns from the 70's loan payoffs from the 70's that kind of thing is just gone.  I saved all the crap I didn't want in the house.  I moved it to the garage several years ago so I could make more room for my/our lives instead of having the space taken up with memories of the Failed First Family(see Rags). I never mentioned it I just moved it hell they probably think I chucked it all out but even I'm not that bitchy even though some of them would have you believe otherwise.

Ten years of pictures chronicling their marriage.  The wedding album.  I moved it out to the garage to get it out of my space but I did save it for SD.  I stacked it all up in her dad's closet.  If she or her mom don't want it I guess it's into the trash with it.

I did the best I could to look after her dad and my BIL kid brother.  Years ago I begged him to go to the doctor when his breathing got bad again.  He wouldn't go and finally the only healthy thing to do was throw up my hands and just give it to God.  And I really am trying to do the right thing here but I can't get rid of the feeling that this like any other time I've tried to just put things behind me, move on and give us all the fresh start everyone claims they want will not go unpunished.  I know it's probably going to be another heartache another get even or whatever agenda they've got and they are going to drag this out and on and on.  

I'm so tired you guys.


I've got to get all this junk sorted out before I get chemo and rads.  All the dust and mold will make me sick and me and the kids don't want everyone else traipsing in and out of our house doing it while I'm in treatment.  My daughter is about to lose her pint sized shit over that idea and it hasn't even happened yet.

Man 2021 is really sucking hard.


positivelyfourthstreet's picture

Just wanted to add something here.  SD and her dad are so lucky they got to spend as much time together as they did near the end.

When my father was dying her dad raised hell because I was spending too much time at the hospital.  Arrangements didn't have to be put off for her dad like they were for mine.  I didn't leave her dad rotting in the drawer in the hospital morgue for several days like her dad made me do my dad because he wanted to be there so I wouldn't fuck anything up.

Stuff like this is just eating away at my soul.

I'm trying so hard here people.

And all I hear about is what a saint my husband was.  How kind and thoughtful.  What a great man he was.  Of course, these people didn't live with him for twenty years like we did.  They really have no idea and some of the people who do are spinning this myth worse than a Maytag.

justmakingthebest's picture

I am so sorry. Vent here with all of your anger and resentment!

Do you have anyone that you can trust to do the bulk of this sorting for you?

positivelyfourthstreet's picture

My daughter and I were shredding old financial stuff but I just remembered I can box it up and take it to a recycling/shredding facility so I might do that.

CLove's picture

Give yourself some kindness and space to grieve. This is hard, and thats ok. Tell them all they need to back the heck off.

And continue posting! Welcome. Letting it out here will help you through this journey.

SD sounds like a jerk.

positivelyfourthstreet's picture

Thank you.  I used to post a lot more but finally was able to sort of disengage and drop the rope but I usually pop in to see how everyone is doing.  I'd be in the rubber room if it weren't for you guys and this website.

Winterglow's picture

I'm sorry for your loss and I'm sorry that you're dealing with so much right now, you have way too much for one person on your plate right now.


positivelyfourthstreet's picture

Thank you.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I'm so very sorry for you loss and that you're dealing with cancer/treatment on top of everything.

You are obviously physically and mentally tired and it sounds like you're overwhelmed with sorting through all of that stuff. Can your kids help you or do you have a friend who will? {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

positivelyfourthstreet's picture

My 20 y/o daughter has been helping me.  My son is 24 but he doesn't live here anymore.  He drops by a lot to check on us and we all got together on Saturday and did the yards and got the cars washed because I hadn't done it in a couple of months.  It looked so bad the squatters were probably going to claim our house if we didn't take care of it. 

I don't know what I would do without my kids right now.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

They sound like such a blessing. Too bad we can't arrange a STalker group to help you out. Prayers for you, your health, and your upcoming treatments. 

positivelyfourthstreet's picture

Thank you they really are a blessing.  I fought so hard to get better so I could see them again.

NotYourAverageStepMama's picture

I am very sorry for your loss! Sounds like an extremely difficult time in your life without all the extra. ((HUGS))

positivelyfourthstreet's picture

Me and the kids are doing okay considering.  It's been kind of hellacious.

tog redux's picture

Gosh, what a mess, I'm so sorry.  I hope someone can help you with this - if nothing else, you can pay people to sort through stuff like that. 

positivelyfourthstreet's picture

I can't really pay anyone.  I was provided for unless things got changed around while we were in hospital but I am probably not going to be able to get a job even if I fully recover.  I am older and the surgery they did in my mouth changed my voice and I sound like a drunk blues singer.  Maybe I can figure out some kind of work at home gig.

ESMOD's picture

I'm sorry for your loss and wish you much strength and peace as you go through your own treatments.  It sounds like you deserve to live life peacefully.

If are able to identify boxes that involve nothing that you would intend to need to keep... I might be tempted to rent a storage unit and arrange for all of those boxes and any specific items of your husband's which you would intend to go to his family(or he intended).. sent there as well.

Give them the information and inform them that you will pay for 2-3 months of storage and that at the end of that time, what is left will be sent to the landfill.  

You don't need to go through all of this stuff.. and honestly.. is there any legit concern there is anything in those boxes you would need?  If you haven't needed to reference it in the last several years... not likely.


positivelyfourthstreet's picture

That is an excellent idea.  I may just give them a deadline period instead of renting a storage unit.  Who knows?  I might have to move out of this house so we are going to ruthlessly purge.  For now I will tuck things into his closet which I never go into since I don't have to do his wash anymore.

ESMOD's picture

If you decide to let them in the home... I would set very specific parameters for them to abide by.  set hours and days they can have access.. or they can make an appt.. for time to accomplish getting what they want.  If they choose not to arrange a time in a reasonable period.. and I think 60 days would be more than generous... then they don't want the stuff and you will hire in "junk luggers" or get your family to help you purge.. 

ESMOD's picture

YES.... absolutely don't put yourself out for these people.  If they don't like you.. they aren't going to magically be all "happy family" because you bend over backwards for them.  They will be black holes of need....and honey!!  you have enough on your plate.

Take care of yourself.. prioritize your treatment and your happiness.  If you need to ask a family member to step in as an intermediary and pass on messages because "you aren't up to it".. do it.. take care of yourself FIRST.. sounds like you have let others be priorities long enough *** hugs***

Aunt Agatha's picture

I'm so sorry for all this grief you are facing.  Please don't forget to do what you need to take care of yourself through all this.

SteppedOff's picture

This all sounds so horrible. I am sorry to hear someone who has already been through so much has to walk through so much more.

Please remember to be kind to and take care of yourself. This is really the most important thing.

So much light and good luck to you!

positivelyfourthstreet's picture

Thank you.

Thumper's picture

I am so sorry you are going through all of this grief also.


Thank God for your kids.  Again I am sorry.



notsurehowtodeal's picture

Try and quit worrying about "doing right" by SD and the brother. I have read your history, you do not owe either one of them a thing. Do whatever makes things easier for you. Hire a lawyer and run everything through the lawyer so you don't have to communicate with either one of them. And do not let them in your house - put what you are giving them in the garage or outside.

I am so sorry you are going through all of this on top of the cancer. Please try and put your health first over estate matters.

positivelyfourthstreet's picture

Oh my gosh.  Thank you all for your kind words, support and advice.  Until I can move(and I will probably have to because SD has been chatting up the neighbors)I should probably change the locks on the front door.  Little telling who has keys given my long history of being a mushroom.

My daughter is questioning her sanity because everyone is going on and on about how wonderful he is.  Whoever they are talking about it sure can't be the man we lived with for 20 years.