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Feeling pretty bad

praying's picture

My Dh decided to have a Disney/Pixar movie marathon with Ss for the break. My kids are with my mom. Tuesday was alright except for when Ss said "If only all fathers are like that" after watching Finding Nemo. That really hurt my DH. But he was still happy to be hugging Ss and watching movies.

Then yesterday they were watching Up. 15 mins into the movie and Ss starts bawling saying he wanted to get married too but all the girls think he is a creep. My Dh tried comforting Ss saying he WILL find some who will love him but Ss couldnt be comforted. He has been crying in his bed all day today.

My Dh was so taken aback. He was telling me he was finally getting used to the idea of Ss being gay but now he wants to marry a girl ?. Ss is so confused. I wish these monsters could see what they do to these children's lives when they abuse them.

And I saw a story online today about a teacher who has a girlfriend who used to be his student. He left his wife and three kids. And his daughter is only 1 year younger than his "girlfriend". This man is a peadophile. He probably groomed her for years. I wanted to throw my laptop on the ground because I was so angry reading the article. Humans can be so vile.


asheeha's picture

I can imagine you feel pretty bad...this is so much to take on. It's overwhelming to read, I can't imagine living it!

My heart literally breaks for your family. Are you in a support group for parents of abused children? People who understand your unique circumstances?

oneoffour's picture

The boy has yet to make up HIS mind. Maybe he is trying to escape the labelling. SO maybe he isn't gay. Maybe he wants to marry and have a normal life. Is that so bad? Isn't it better to just say "Yeah, the girls thought I was creepy with I was younger." Instead of taking it all so personally?

My answer to the Finding Nemo comment is likely to be "What? Have gills?" Now all fathers are not fish. They have jobs to go to. Also Nemo lost his mother to a barracuda (I think) and his baby brothers and sisters. SO maybe SS wants his fahter all to himself. Or does he want his father to 'rescue' him... which is what he did although it wasn't with the help of a pelican/seagull/amnesiac fish/sharks and turtles.

At least he is talking. He isn't clamming up. And some of this stuff he is going through is likely to be just teen stuff anyway but his perception is so abnormal he sees things VERY differently.